牟凡, 黄志伟, 程渝, 赵雪, 李华芳, 禹顺英

Prediction of drug-drug interactions in clozapine combination therapy based on physiologically based pharmacokinetic model
MOU Fan, HUANG Zhiwei, CHENG Yu, ZHAO Xue, LI Huafang, YU Shunying
图3 健康受试者单次50 mg口服氟伏沙明后的药时曲线及残差
Note: A. Plasma concentration-time curve profiles of fluvoxamine after the administration of a single 50 mg dose of fluvoxamine in healthy adults. B. Residue plot for the model prediction of fluvoxamine plasma concentrations in healthy adults.
Fig 3 Plasma concentration-time curve profiles and residue plot of fluvoxamine after the administration of a single 50 mg dose of fluvoxamine in healthy adults