司春婴, 王建茹, 李晓辉, 王永霞, 关怀敏

Study on intercellular communication and key genes of smooth muscle cells in human coronary atherosclerosis based on single cell sequencing technology
SI Chunying, WANG Jianru, LI Xiaohui, WANG Yongxia, GUAN Huaimin
图2 GSE131778数据集中样本的降维聚类及注释结果
Note:A.The distribution of cells in the sample in PC1 and PC2. B. P value for each PC. C. t-SNE plot of clustering distribution of 18 cell subpopulations. D. t-SNE diagram of the distribution of cell subpopulations after annotation. NK cell—nature killer cell; DC—dendritic cell.
Fig 2 Dimension reduction clustering and annotation results for samples in the GSE131778 dataset