吴丽蓉, 陈瑞华, 晁筱雯, 郭雨槐, 孙涛, 李梦慈, 陈天璐

Study of metabolic association between elevated fasting blood glucose and cognitive deterioration
WU Lirong, CHEN Ruihua, CHAO Xiaowen, GUO Yuhuai, SUN Tao, LI Mengci, CHEN Tianlu
图3 代谢物与认知功能恶化指标的Spearman相关分析的热图
Note:Spearman analysis results illustrating the correlation between disease biomarker levels and metabolite levels across various datasets: the entire baseline dataset (A), the baseline data of the individuals without cognitive deterioration (B), the baseline data of the individuals with cognitive deterioration (C), and the data at the onset of initial cognitive deterioration (D). * means P<0.05, ** means P<0.01.
Fig 3 Spearman's correlation analysis heatmap between metabolites and indicators of cognitive impairment