姜允丽, 李爱求, 肖艳赏, 李田田, 胡亚晨, 张潇潇, 吴蓓蓉

Application of continuous nursing based on EMS management mode in preschool children with wheezing diseases
JIANG Yunli, LI Aiqiu, XIAO Yanshang, LI Tiantian, HU Yachen, ZHANG Xiaoxiao, WU Beirong
表2 2组不同时间点TRACK总分的重复测量方差分析
Tab 2 Repeated measures ANOVA of TRACK scores in the two groups at different time points
TimeTRACK score/pointF valueP value
Observation group (n=32)Control group (n=32)
Before intervention40.00±24.8242.03±26.360.1010.752
Follow-up at 1 month81.09±11.6963.44±17.8921.8420.000
Follow-up at 3 months90.78±5.84①②76.72±11.26①②39.3450.000
Follow-up at 6 months96.56±3.22①②③83.91±9.73①②③48.7630.000
F value50.75735.677
P value0.0000.000