蒋莹, 李清瑶, 陈之琦, 汪佳璐, 李云, 徐仁应

Association between body mass index and chronic metabolic diseases in Chinese aged population
JIANG Ying, LI Qingyao, CHEN Zhiqi, WANG Jialu, LI Yun, XU Renying
图1 BMI与慢性代谢性疾病之间的关系
Note:A?C. Binary Logistic regression results of BMI with hypertension (A), diabetes (B), and hyperlipoidemia (C). The controlled variables included age, gender, ALT, AST, and eGFR. When analyzing the relationship between BMI and hypertension, further control was applied for FBG, TC, and TAG. When analyzing the relationship between BMI and diabetes, further control was applied for SBP, DBP, TC, and TAG. When analyzing the relationship between BMI and hyperlipoidemia, further control was applied for SBP, DBP, and FBG. D?F. Restricted cubic spline results of BMI with hypertension (D), diabetes (E), and hyperlipoidemia (F). The controlled variables included age and gender, and the reference value for BMI was 24.56 kg/m2.
Fig 1 Relationship between BMI and chronic metabolic diseases