洪洋, 王洁, 张霞芬, 赵丹, 程敏

Efficacy of smart wearable device BPMpathway in home rehabilitation of patients after total knee arthroplasty
HONG Yang, WANG Jie, ZHANG Xiafen, ZHAO Dan, CHENG Min
表3 2组患者术前术后SF-36总分及生理健康得分、心理健康得分比较(x±s
Tab 3 Comparison of preoperative and postoperative SF-36 total scores, and scores of physical component summary and mental component summary between the two groups of patients (x±s
TimeScore of physical component summaryScore of mental component summarySF-36 total score
Intervention group (n=54)

Control group


t valueP valueIntervention group (n=54)

Control group


t valueP valueIntervention group (n=54)

Control group


t valueP value
1 month59.35±10.5854.34±11.012.4290.01770.07±9.5466.39±8.822.1040.03866.57±7.4662.59±6.053.0830.003
3 months83.41±7.0770.73±11.117.1120.00087.17±4.7769.92±5.5217.5070.00086.23±4.6670.28±6.1215.3400.000
6 months94.91±5.0284.57±10.686.4590.00092.46±5.7784.32±5.3612.9940.00093.90±5.3980.96±5.6312.3020.000