王珂璇, 刘芳, 涂佳佳, 茅一萍

Exploration of the use of antibiotics in a hospital based on point prevalence survey
WANG Kexuan, LIU Fang, TU Jiajia, MAO Yiping
表1 20192022年调查时点抗菌药物使用情况变化表
Tab 1 Changes in antimicrobial usage at the survey points in 2019 and 2022
Usage of antimicrobial agents2019 (n=474)2022 (n=484)χ2 valueP value
Antimicrobial usage on the day of PPS/n(%)228 (48.1)162 (33.5)21.3360.000
Surgical prophylactic medication/n(%)109 (77.3)143 (76.9)4.3560.150