周卫军, 刘思迪, 蔡瑞捷, 刘宏超, 王美建, 吴皓, 刘辉辉, 汪照炎

Role of astrocytes in the repair of auditory synapses in the cochlear nucleus after noise damage
ZHOU Weijun, LIU Sidi, CAI Ruijie, LIU Hongchao, WANG Meijian, WU Hao, LIU Huihui, WANG Zhaoyan
图2 噪声暴露导致耳蜗核神经元变性丢失
Note: A. Western blotting and grayscale analysis of cochlear nucleus in mice after noise exposure, showing significant downregulation of neurofilament-associated proteins, indicating neuronal degeneration. B. Immunofluorescence staining (MafB) of bushy cells in mice after noise exposure and corresponding statistical analysis. P=0.000, P=0.004, P=0.001, P=0.016, P=0.013, P=0.005, compared with the D0 (control) group.
Fig 2 Noise exposure leads to degeneration and loss of cochlear nucleus neurons