傅艺玲, 吴茜, 罗晓庆, 吴艾泓, 夏雪兰, 郑敏

Factors influencing advance care planning engagement behavior in patients with advanced cancer: a systematic review
FU Yiling, WU Qian, LUO Xiaoqing, WU Aihong, XIA Xuelan, ZHENG Min
表5 定量研究描述性分析结果
Tab 5 Descriptive analysis results of quantitative study
COM-BTDFInfluencing factorSpecific description
Psychological capabilityKnowledgeKnowledge of ACP→The percentage of patients willing to engage in ACP increased after understanding the concept, process, and importance of advance directive[16]
Behavioural regulationKnowledge of the time of disease diagnosis→Patients who know about the diagnosis of the disease for longer are more likely to engage in ACP[18]
Subjective life expectancy→Patients who are expected to live only a few months are less likely to prefer aggressive treatment[27]
Physical capabilitySkillsDisease symptom burden→The greater the burden of symptoms, the less likely patients are to sign advance directives or health care powers of attorney[29]
Social opportunitySocial influencesFamily support→Family members not objecting is an important factor in discussing ACP[32]
Social support→Patients with higher social support are more willing to engage in ACP[18]
Doctor-patient relationship→Poor doctor-patient relationship leads to low acceptance of ACP[15]
Dependent children→Patients with dependent children are more likely to prefer aggressive treatment and less likely to engage in ACP[34]
Physical opportunityEnvironmental context and resourcesHousing type→Patients without private housing are more willing to engage in ACP[20]
Hospice service center→Whether or not to establish a hospice service center is a factor influencing whether or not patients choose to participate in ACP[30]
Reflective motivationIntentionsACP attitude→The sense of life meaning is the main factor influencing patients' attitude towards ACP[16]
GoalsACP belief→Patients want to ensure a comfortable end-of-life and avoid pain[20]
Beliefs about capabilitiesACP motivation→The reason that hinders patients from engaging in ACP is that patients think that their relatives can make decisions for them or that their wishes may change in the future[20]
Automatic motivationEmotionAnxiety and depression→Patients who participated in ACP had significantly higher anxiety and depression scores than those who did not participate in ACP[33]