周天凡, 邵飞雪, 万盛, 周晨晨, 周思锦, 花晓琳

Feasibility study on quantifying retinal vascular features for predicting preeclampsia based on artificial intelligence models
ZHOU Tianfan, SHAO Feixue, WAN Sheng, ZHOU Chenchen, ZHOU Sijin, HUA Xiaolin
表1 孕妇的临床资料和新生儿结局资料的比较
Tab 1 Comparison of clinical data of pregnant women and neonatal outcome data

Unaffected group


HDP group (n=104)Pc value
GH group (n=36)Pa valuePE group (n=68)Pb value
Age/year31.00 (29.00, 34.00)32.00 (30.00, 34.00)0.30732.00 (29.00, 35.00)0.1530.234
Pre-pregnancy BMI/(kg·m-2)22.43 (20.32, 25.15)22.72 (21.04, 27.29)0.19423.87 (20.77, 26.66)0.0130.025
Previous PE history/n(%)5 (0.73)1 (2.78)0.2650 (0)1.0000.317
Primiparity/n(%)493 (71.97)29 (80.56)0.33954 (79.41)0.2030.270
ART/n(%)51 (7.45)2 (5.56)1.00012 (17.65)0.0090.021
CH/n(%)14 (2.04)1 (2.78)0.5408 (11.76)0.0000.000
Renal disease/n(%)3 (0.44)0 (0)1.0002 (2.94)0.0670.080
AD/n(%)29 (4.23)2 (5.56)0.6645 (7.35)0.2220.318
PGDM/n(%)4 (0.58)1 (2.78)0.2273 (4.41)0.0190.016
GDM/n(%)76 (11.09)7 (19.44)0.1739 (13.24)0.5500.252
PCOS/n(%)10 (1.46)1 (2.78)0.4430 (0)0.6120.436
Second-trimester MAP/mmHg82.67 (76.33, 88.33)88.17 (85.67, 96.33)0.00091.33 (84.67, 95.33)0.0000.000
Second-trimester EFW/g

1 445.89 (1 320.37,

1 566.41)

1 443.56 (1 341.89,

1 583.57)


1 347.73 (1 218.09,

1 511.01)

Delivery method/n(%)0.1670.0000.000
Spontaneous delivery393 (57.37)16 (44.44)20 (29.41)
Caesarean section292 (42.63)20 (55.56)48 (70.59)
Gestational weeks/week39.43 (38.57, 40.14)39.00 (38.29, 39.71)0.02837.64 (36.04, 39.00)0.0000.000
PPH/n(%)19 (2.77)1 (2.78)1.0004 (5.88)0.1460.283
Postpartum hospitalization days/n(%)3.00 (3.00, 4.00)4.00 (3.00, 5.00)0.0016.00 (5.00, 7.00)0.0000.000
Fetal birth weight/g

3 380.00 (3 115.00,

3 670.00)

3 407.50 (3 135.00,

3 655.00)


3 005.00 (2 446.25,

3 292.50)

1 min Apgar score/score9.00 (9.00, 10.00)9.00 (9.00, 10.00)0.9649.00 (9.00, 9.00)0.0000.000
5 min Apgar score/score10.00 (10.00, 10.00)10.0 (10.00, 10.00)0.02910.00 (9.00, 10.00)0.0000.000