苏珊珊, 蒋文晖, 王书婷, 徐觅真, 任雪晴, 仇剑崟

Impact of anxiety levels and alexithymia degree on the quality of life in patients with anxiety disorders
SU Shanshan, JIANG Wenhui, WANG Shuting, XU Mizhen, REN Xueqing, QIU Jianyin
表5 焦虑障碍患者生活质量的逐步回归分析
Tab 5 Stepwise regression analysis of quality of life in patients with anxiety disorders
Independent variableNonnormalized coefficientStandardization coefficientt valueP valueVIFR²Adjusted R²F value
BStandard errorβ
TAS-20 score-0.2830.048-0.275-5.8760.0001.086
HAMD-17 score-0.4540.113-0.198-4.0090.0001.217
HAMA score-0.1750.069-0.125-2.5430.0111.205