李萍, 蒋惠如, 叶梦月, 王雅玉, 陈潇雨, 袁安彩, 徐文杰, 戴慧敏, 陈曦, 闫小响, 涂圣贤, 郑元琦, 张薇, 卜军

Analysis of epidemiological characteristics of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors based on the Shanghai community elderly cohort
LI Ping, JIANG Huiru, YE Mengyue, WANG Yayu, CHEN Xiaoyu, YUAN Ancai, XU Wenjie, DAI Huimin, CHEN Xi, YAN Xiaoxiang, TU Shengxian, ZHENG Yuanqi, ZHANG Wei, PU Jun
表3 上海社区老年人群的既往疾病史及心理状况分析
Tab 3 Analysis of past medical histories and psychological status of Shanghai community elderly cohort
ItemTumor-free and non-cardiovascular disease group (n=6 222)

Single cardiovascular disease group

(n=10 523)

Single tumor group (n=480)Tumor cardiovascular disease co-occurrence group (n=723)χ2 valueP value
No5 838 (93.8)9 042 (85.9)443 (92.3)600 (83.0)
Yes384 (6.2)1 481 (14.1)37 (7.7)123 (17.0)
Peripheral vascular disease/n(%)69.9690.000
No6 139 (98.8)10 181 (96.8)472 (98.7)697 (96.5)
Yes74 (1.2)333 (3.2)6 (1.3)25 (3.5)
Endocrine system disease/n(%)490.8890.000
No5 160 (83.2)7 282 (69.3)397 (82.9)430 (59.5)
Yes1 045 (16.8)3 226 (30.7)82 (17.1)293 (40.5)
Respiratory system disease/n(%)25.0460.000
No5 876 (94.7)9 862 (93.9)445 (93.1)651 (90.2)
Yes329 (5.3)639 (6.1)33 (6.9)71 (9.8)
Urinary system disease/n(%)34.0500.000
No5 980 (96.4)9 940 (94.6)455 (95.2)671 (93.1)
Yes225 (3.6)568 (5.4)23 (4.8)50 (6.9)
Digestive system disease/n(%)81.6990.000
No4 778 (77.1)7 478 (71.2)358 (75.1)485 (67.4)
Yes1 421 (22.9)3 021 (28.8)119 (24.9)235 (32.6)
Depression symptom/n(%)40.6600.000
No6 025 (96.8)10 024 (95.3)459 (95.6)670 (92.7)
Yes197 (3.2)499 (4.7)21 (4.4)53 (7.3)
Anxiety symptom/n(%)27.2240.000
No6 106 (98.1)10 196 (96.9)465 (96.9)695 (96.1)
Yes116 (1.9)327 (3.1)15 (3.1)28 (3.9)