孙思远, 刘媛琪, 崔怡雯, 黄紫晗, 梅李, 代庆刚, 江凌勇

Generation and validation of the conditional osteoblast-specific retinoic acid signaling inhibition mouse model
SUN Siyuan, LIU Yuanqi, CUI Yiwen, HUANG Zihan, MEI Li, DAI Qinggang, JIANG Lingyong
图4 Cre-LoxP系统体外成骨细胞视黄酸信号失活效率验证
Note: A. The RARα protein level of adenovirus-infected femur bone BMSCs after osteogenic induction from Rosa26dn/dn mice detected by Western blotting. B. The RARα protein level of adenovirus-infected parietal bone cells after osteogenic induction from Rosa26dn/dn mice detected by Western blotting. C. The RARE activity of adenovirus-infected parietal bone cells from Rosa26dn/dn mice detected by dual luciferase gene reporter assay. PGL3-basic is blank plasmid group. ns—no significant difference; OBS—osteoblast.
Fig 4 Verification of the inhibition of osteoblastic retinoic acid signaling by Cre-LoxP system in vitro