窦嘉琪, 高洁, 卞晓玲, 王凤, 代庆刚, 吴轶群

Dentofacial phenotype of non-syndromic tooth agenesis patients with PAX9 mutation
DOU Jiaqi, GAO Jie, BIAN Xiaoling, WANG Feng, DAI Qinggang, WU Yiqun
图1 PAX9 突变NSTA患者的突变位点分布示意图
Note: A.A.—amino acid. N-terminus, 1?5; paired DNA-binding domain (PD), 6?131; N-terminal subdomain (NSD), 6?63; linking peptide (LP), 64?81; C-terminal subdomain (CSD), 82?131; octapeptide motif (OM), 168?189.
Fig 1 Distribution of variants in NSTA patients with PAX9 mutation