低氧诱导的长链非编码RNA 68在肝癌中的功能及其作用机制
谭露, 沈少明, 何平

Function and mechanism study of hypoxia-induced long non-coding RNA 68 in hepatocellular carcinoma
TAN Lu, SHEN Shaoming, HE Ping
图4 HILRNA68低氧下抑制肝癌细胞的生长增殖与侵袭转移
Note: A. qRT-PCR analysis of HILRNA68 knockdown efficiency in SMMC-7721. B. Cell proliferation results of SMMC-7721 cells with or without HILRNA68 knock-down. C. Histogram of Transwell cell invasion analysis of SMMC-7721 cells with or without HILRNA68 knock-down. D. qRT-PCR analysis of HILRNA68 knockdown efficiency in MHCC-97H. E. Cell proliferation results of MHCC-97H cells with or without HILRNA68 knock-down. F. Histogram of Transwell cell invasion analysis results of MHCC-97H cells with or without HILRNA68 knock-down. The P value indicates the differences between each group and the control group (siNC).
Fig 4 HILRNA68 inhibited the tumor proliferation, invasion and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells under hypoxia