冯昫皎, 刘健悦, 戚炀炀, 孙晶, 沈蕾

Phenotype and function of NK cell in colorectal cancer
FENG Xujiao, LIU Jianyue, QI Yangyang, SUN Jing, SHEN Lei
图2 肿瘤组织中NK细胞比例减少且呈现耗竭表型
Note: A. Representative flow cytometry analysis and percentage of NK cells in normal and tumor tissues (n=25). B. Representative flow cytometry analysis and percentage of CD16+NK cells in PBMC, normal and tumor tissues (nPBMC=15, nnormal=25, and nTumor=25). C. Representative flow cytometry analysis of the expression of CD27, CD69, HLA-DR and TIM-3 on NK cells in normal and tumor tissues. D. The expression levels of CD27, CD69, HLA-DR and TIM-3 on NK cells in normal and tumor tissues (n=25). P=0.007, P=0.000, P=0.008, P=0.001, P=0.024. MFI—mean fluorenscence intensity.
Fig 2 NK cells in CRC tumor tissues were reduced and showed an exhaustion phenotype