重症监护病房转出后患者早期症状网络分析 |
董冉, 余倩, 台瑞, 杨富, 方芳 |
Early symptom network analysis of patients after transfer from intensive care unit |
DONG Ran, YU Qian, TAI Rui, YANG Fu, FANG Fang |
图1 总体、综合ICU和CCU患者转入普通病房后早期症状的GLASSO网络图 Note:A, B, and C are symptom networks of overall, mixed ICU and CCU patients, respectively. The thicker the edges, the stronger the correlation; blue edges represent positive correlations while the red ones represent negative correlations. In order to highlight the symptom network of overall ICU patients, spring distribution was adopted in A. Circle distribution was adopted in B and C to describe the comparison between subgroup networks. |
Fig 1 GLASSO networks of early symptoms in overall, mixed ICU, and CCU patients after transfer to common wards |