普通叶酸与活性叶酸补充对于MTHFR 677TT型不明原因反复流产患者红细胞叶酸水平的影响
卢永杰, 侯树辰, 常亮, 刘平

Impact of folic acid and active folate supplementation on red blood cell folate levels in patients with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss and MTHFR 677TT genotype
LU Yongjie, HOU Shuchen, CHANG Liang, LIU Ping
表 1 3组患者2次红细胞5-MTHF浓度比较
Tab 1 Comparison of 5-MTHF concentrations in red blood cells at two time points among the three groups
GroupConcentration 1/(nmol·L-1)Concentration 2/(nmol·L-1)t valueP value
Group A427.3±162.6629.4±243.25.0330.000
Group B356.6±120.1728.9±253.16.1590.000
Group C377.7±162.5998.9±444.06.2020.000