章文益, 郑美里, 谢羽番, 江凌勇

Study on macroscopic anatomy and developmental model of pterygopalatine suture
ZHANG Wenyi, CHUNG Miri, XIE Yufan, JIANG Lingyong
图2 翼腭缝宏观解剖结构的标志点与观测指标
Note: A. Positional relationship between the axial palatal plane and pterygopalatine sutures. Pink block represents the sphenoid bone, and green block represents the rest. B. Axial palatal plane. C. Landmarks of the pterygopalatine suture. D. Transverse and sagittal position of the PPS (XPPS and YPPS). E. Insertion angle of the pyramidal process (IAP). F. Insertion width and depth of the pyramidal process (IWP and IDP). G. Pterygomaxillary junction-noncontacted (PMJ-N). H. Pterygomaxillary junction-contacted (PMJ-C); the segment between yellow arrows represents the contacting segment.
Fig 2 Landmarks and observation indexes of the macroscopic anatomical structure of pterygopalatine suture