章文益, 郑美里, 谢羽番, 江凌勇

Study on macroscopic anatomy and developmental model of pterygopalatine suture
ZHANG Wenyi, CHUNG Miri, XIE Yufan, JIANG Lingyong
图3 翼腭缝位置及形态参数的年龄组间比较
Note: A. Transverse position of PPS-Female (XPPS-F). B. Transverse position of PPS -Male (XPPS-M). C. Sagittal position of PPS (YPPS). D. Insertion angle of the pyramidal process (IAP). E. Insertion width of the pyramidal process (IWP). F. Insertion depth of the pyramidal process (IDP). G. The proportion of pterygomaxillary junction-Contact (PMJ-C). G1?6 represent Group 1?6.
Fig 3 Comparison of the parameters of pterygopalatine suture morphology and position between age groups