许嘉乐, 傅利勤, 吴红, 昝娇娇, 吴菁

Mediating effect of rehabilitation self-efficacy on perceived social support and rehabilitation exercise adherence in hospitalized patients after hip/knee arthroplasty
XU Jiale, FU Liqin, WU Hong, ZAN Jiaojiao, WU Jing
表2 康复自我效能在领悟社会支持与康复锻炼依从性间的中介效应的Bootstrap结果
Tab 2 Bootstrap results on the mediating effect of rehabilitation self-efficacy between perceived social support and rehabilitation exercise adherence
EffectEffect value95%CIP value
Perceived social support →Rehabilitation self-efficacy→ Rehabilitation exercise adherence (indirect effect)0.0330.017‒0.0580.000
Perceived social support →Rehabilitation exercise adherence (direct effect)0.027-0.008‒0.0650.130
Perceived social support →Rehabilitation exercise adherence (total effect)0.0600.025‒0.1070.002