李婧菱, 徐小艳, 李静, 周倩, 高艺, 周璇, 帅鎣, 刘汉梅
Correlation study of pregnancy stress, pre-pregnancy health care behavior and coping style of pregnant women
LI Jingling, XU Xiaoyan, LI Jing, ZHOU Qian, GAO Yi, ZHOU Xuan, SHUAI Ying, LIU Hanmei
表2 妊娠压力、孕前保健行为、应对方式的得分( x±s )
Tab 2 Scores of pregnancy stress, pre-pregnancy health care behaviors and coping style (x±s)
Variable | Score range | Score |
Pregnancy pressure | 0‒3 | 1.05±0.41 | Pressure to identify with the role of parent | 0‒1.5 | 0.86±0.34 | Stress caused by the health and safety of the mother and child | 0‒0.8 | 1.23±0.61 | Stress due to changes in body size and physical activity | 0‒0.4 | 1.35±0.81 | Other factors | 0‒0.3 | 1.16±0.80 | Preconception health care behavior | 0‒15 | 10.09±2.63 | Planned pregnancy | 0‒1 | 0.85±0.36 | Medical physiological preparation | 0‒5 | 3.27±1.14 | Food, clothing, shelter and transportation | 0‒8 | 5.27±1.73 | Rational contraception | 0‒1 | 0.49±0.50 | Coping style | 0‒60 | 27.22±9.68 | Active way | 0‒36 | 17.79±9.84 | Negative way | 0‒24 | 9.42±7.39 |