计算机辅助下自体荧光图像定量结果与口腔白斑病上皮异常增生等级的相关性 |
李晨曦, 王子瑞, 金恬昊, 周曾同, 唐国瑶, 施琳俊 |
Correlation between computer-assisted quantitative autofluorescence imaging results and the pathological grading of oral epithelial dysplasia in oral leukoplakia |
LI Chenxi, WANG Zirui, JIN Tianhao, ZHOU Zengtong, TANG Guoyao, SHI Linjun |
图5 模型性能最佳时的混淆矩阵和决策树 Note: A. Confusion matrix of the test set prediction model for binary classification of pathological grade. Darker color blocks along the diagonal indicate a higher probability of correct predictions. B. Confusion matrix of the test set prediction model for four-class classification of pathological grade. Dark color blocks are primarily concentrated in the second and third column, indicating that the model tends to predict the degree of epithelial dysplasia as mild or moderate. C. Decision tree of the training set for binary classification of pathological grade, showing the prediction process of each sample. The red circle indicates the root node, and the red square indicates the leaf nodes, with different classification results. D. Decision tree of the training set for four-class classification of pathological grade, showing the prediction process of each sample. The red circle indicates the root node, and the red square indicates the leaf nodes, with different classification results. |
Fig 5 Confusion matrix and decision tree with optimal model performance |