罗瑞, 杨功鑫, 石慧敏, 韩永顺, 何一宁, 田臻, 吴颖为

Study of imaging characteristics of Kimura disease in the head and neck
LUO Rui, YANG Gongxin, SHI Huimin, HAN Yongshun, HE Yining, TIAN Zhen, WU Yingwei
图2 右侧颊部皮下组织结节状病变患者的影像学及组织病理学表现
Note: A/B. Axial T1WI (A) and fat-suppressed T2WI (B) showing a well-defined nodular lesion (white arrow) and an enlarged lymph node (red arrow). C. Homogeneous hyperenhancement of the subcutaneous lesion on axial fat-suppressed enhanced T1WI. D. ADC map showing that the ADC value of the subcutaneous lesion (white arrow) was higher than that of the lymph node lesion (red arrow). E. TIC patterns of the subcutaneous lesion (top) and the lymph node lesion (bottom). F. The subcutaneous lesion showing hyperplastic follicles with diffused eosinophilic infiltration (hematoxylin-eosin staining, ×400).
Fig 2 Imaging and histopathological manifestations of a nodular lesion in the right buccal subcutaneous tissues of a patient