罗瑞, 杨功鑫, 石慧敏, 韩永顺, 何一宁, 田臻, 吴颖为

Study of imaging characteristics of Kimura disease in the head and neck
LUO Rui, YANG Gongxin, SHI Huimin, HAN Yongshun, HE Yining, TIAN Zhen, WU Yingwei
表2 64例木村病患者结外病变的影像学特征( n=82)
Tab 2 Imaging characteristics of extra-nodal lesions in 64 patients with Kimura disease ( n=82)
Location/ n(%)
Parotid +subcutaneous tissue29 (35.4)
Lacrimal gland+subcutaneous tissue1 (1.2)
Parotid16 (19.5)
Subcutaneous tissue36 (43.9)
Border/ n(%)
Well-defined16 (19.5)
Ill-defined66 (80.5)
Morphology/ n(%)
Patchy66 (80.5)
Nodular16 (19.5)
Maximum diameter/cm4.3 (3.2, 5.8)
Non-enhanced/ n(%)
Isodensity53 (100.0)
Others0 (0)
Homogenous/ n(%)
Marked2 (3.9)
Others0 (0)
Heterogeneous/ n(%)
Mild7 (13.7)
Middle24 (47.1)
Marked18 (35.3)
T1WI/ n(%)
Isointensity40 (100.0)
Others0 (0)
T2WI/ n(%)
Hyperintensity40 (100.0)
Others0 (0)
Enhancement (fat suppression T1WI)
Homogenous/ n(%)
Marked2 (5.0)
Others0 (0)
Heterogeneous/ n(%)
Mild1 (2.5)
Marked37 (92.5)