
Research progress of endogenous exosomes as nano drug delivery system for treatment of myocardial ischemia

  • HONG Ting ,
  • XUE Xiao-mei ,
  • HE Bin
  • Department of Anesthesiology and SICU, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200092, China

Online published: 2018-09-11

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, 81470390; Shanghai Municipal Education Commission—Gaofeng Clinical Medicine Support, 20152218; Clinical Research Plan of Shanghai Hospital Development Center, 16CR3006A; Program of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, 17411954700


Exosomes are natural nano vesicles secretedliving cells, which play an important role in cellular communication and substance transportation. As a kind of carrier of human endogenous for drug transportation, many advantages of exosomes are in sight, for example, low toxicity, non immunogenicity, good permeability and high-targeting. In recent years, small molecular chemical drugs, nucleic acids and proteins have been successfully deliveredexosomes. This novel carrier is expected to provide strong support for the clinical treatment of myocardial ischemia. The research progress of exosomes as a kind ofcarrierinthetreatment of myocardial ischemiawasbriefly summarizedinthisarticle.

Cite this article

HONG Ting , XUE Xiao-mei , HE Bin . Research progress of endogenous exosomes as nano drug delivery system for treatment of myocardial ischemia[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science), 2018 , 38(8) : 984 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2018.08.021

