Original article (Public health administration)

Analysis of awareness and demand on special medical services of patients in Shanghai

  • 1.School of Public Health, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200025, China;2.Shanghai Municipal Development &|Reform Commission, Shanghai 200003, China;3.Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau, Shanghai 200041, China

Online published: 2012-01-04


Objective To investigate the awareness and demand on special medical services of patients in Shanghai, and put forward suggestions on the development of special medical services. Methods Five hundred and one patients randomly selected from 5 public hospitals in Shanghai were subjected to questionnaire survey, and patients were divided into special medical care group (n=234) and ordinary medical care group (n=267) according to the experience of special medical services. The survey included five aspects of basic conditions, experience and attitude towards special medical services, demand on special medical services, payment of special medical services and advice for special medical services. Results Patients older than 30 years accounted for 76.5% in special medical care group, and 96.6% of patients in special medical care group believed that special medical services should be provided in public hospitals, which was significantly higher than that in ordinary medical care group (53.9%) (P<0.000 1). It was considered the price of special medical services was unreasonable by 42.7% of patients in special medical care group. Among all the patients, 37.0% thought high-quality medical services (services provided by medical experts) was essential for special medical services, and expert outpatient services were preferred by 52.0% of patients. Conclusion Patients hold positive attitudes towards special medical services in public hospitals, and the scope and content of special medical services are to be clarified.

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ZHANG Jing, HE Li-ming, YAN Rong, et al . Analysis of awareness and demand on special medical services of patients in Shanghai[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science), 2011 , 31(12) : 1771 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2011.12.025

