›› 2010, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 600-.

• Clinical experience • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Reconstructive surgery for scar of extensive burn in later stage post burn

ZHENG Jie-xin, ZHANG Qin, LIU Yan, NIU Yi-wen, LIU Jian   

  1. Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Ruijin Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200025, China
  • Online:2010-05-25 Published:2010-05-28


Objective To explore an optimal method of providing efficient donor sites for the reconstructive surgery for scar of extensive burn in later stage post burn. Methods Twenty-one patients undergoing reconstructive surgery for extensive burn in later stage post burn were selected, among whom 15 were performed split-skin grafting (47 times of operations) and the other 6 received skin flap grafting. Split-skin grafts or flaps were harvested from scar skin, splitskin grafting or skin flap grafting was performed, and stamp-like grafts were reimbursed to the donor sites. Results In 47 times of split-skin grafting, skin grafts survived in 42 times of operations, with improved appearance of operative sites and functional recovery. Of 6 cases undergoing skin flap grafting, the flaps of 5 cases survived, with restoration of wound surface of operative sites and improved function. While the other 1 case with skin flap grafting experienced skin flap necrosis, and wound closure was achieved after local changes of dressing, with function restoration of operative sites. Conclusion Split-skin grafts and flaps harvested from scar skin are proved as effective way of providing efficient donor sites for reconstructive surgery for scar of extensive burn in later stage post burn.

Key words: burn, scar, split-skin graft, flap, donor site