Original article (Public health)

Compilation of work value questionnaire for medical staff and evaluation of its reliability and validity

  • GU Wei-min ,
  • JIANG Li-juan ,
  • GAO Yang ,
  • et al
  • Ruijin Hospital North, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 201801, China

Online published: 2015-09-30

Supported by

Research Foundation of Hospital Management of Shanghai Hospital Association, 2015046


Objective  To compile the work value questionnaire for medical staff and provide a quantitative tool for studying the status and influencing factors of the work value of medical staff. Methods  According to work values questionnaire (WVQ), Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire (MSQ), and work values inventory (WVI), the work value questionnaire for medical staff was compiled. A total of 100 medical staff was enrolled by stratified random sampling. The t-test was adopted to perform the project analysis for questionnaires. The reliability and validity of the work value questionnaire for medical staff were evaluated by reliability test and factor analysis. Results  A total of 34 items were kept by screening. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.948; Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) was 0.857; and P of Bartlett's test of sphericity was 0.000. Therefore, the results were highly effective and suitable for factor analysis. Conclusion  The work value questionnaire for medical staff has high reliability and validity after being adjusted and can be used to evaluate the work value of medical staff.

Cite this article

GU Wei-min , JIANG Li-juan , GAO Yang , et al . Compilation of work value questionnaire for medical staff and evaluation of its reliability and validity[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science), 2015 , 35(9) : 1374 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2015.09.026

