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秦建晔1,黄旭元2,朱 堃2,唐红梅3   

  1. 上海医药高等专科学校 1.临床医学系, 上海 201318; 2.附属嘉定区中心医院院长办公室, 上海 201800; 3.校长办公室, 上海 201318
  • 出版日期:2013-12-28 发布日期:2014-01-02
  • 通讯作者: 唐红梅, 电子信箱: hmtang@shsmu.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:秦建晔(1969—), 女, 副教授, 硕士; 电子信箱: qjy0321@126.com。
  • 基金资助:


Survey and analysis of training effectiveness of professional teachers for rural doctors

QIN Jian-ye1, HUANG Xu-yuan2, ZHU Kun2, TANG Hong-mei3   

  1. 1.Department of Clinical Medicine, Shanghai Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai 201318, China; 2.Director Office, Shanghai Jiading Central Hospital,
    Shanghai Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China; 3.President Office, Shanghai Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai 201318, China
  • Online:2013-12-28 Published:2014-01-02
  • Supported by:

    Educational Science Practice Program of Shanghai, B10056


目的 了解附属医院临床教师参加师资培训的动机、需求方式以及期待解决的问题。方法 采用问卷调查及抽样访谈方式进行调查,问卷内容包括个人基本情况、参加培训的动机和影响因素、对培训内容的需求以及对乡村医生专业教学工作的认知度;并在参加问卷调查的人员中按照年龄段分别抽取一定人员进行访谈。共发出问卷162份,回收有效问卷148份;个别访谈14人。结果 参加师资培训的动机中,主要集中在“力争成为专业骨干或带头人”“提高教学理论水平”和“增强竞争力、以求发展”上。对于影响个人参加培训的因素选择最多的是“医疗任务比较繁重,精力有限”。在开展乡村医生培养的教学中,主要不足在于“对乡村医生工作模式和内容的了解不够”和“缺乏临床实践与乡村医生教学融会贯通的能力”上。结论 在师资培训时除一般的临床教学能力外,还要将乡村医生岗位的各项需求纳入培训内容以提高有效性。

关键词: 乡村医生培养, 师资培训, 有效性, 调查分析


Objective To investigate motivation, demand, and expectation of physicians in affiliated hospitals who attend teachers' training for rural doctors. Methods Questionnaire survey and random interview were used in this study. The questionnaire consisted of personal information, motivation, affecting factors, and demand in training, and awareness of rural medical education. Some interviewees were selected from different age groups. Among 162 questionnaire, 148 effective copies were withdrawn. Fourteen physicians were interviewed. Results The main motivations included “become the expert or leader”, “improve the quality of teaching theory”, and “enhance career competitiveness”. “Limited energy due to stretched working load” was the most important reason for individual being absent in training. Two issues as barriers in rural doctors training were “lack of understanding of working scope of rural doctors” and “incapability of combining clinical practice with teaching program”. Conclusion In order to promote the effectiveness of teachers' training program, we may focus not only on general clinical teaching ability, but also on the needs of rural doctors.

Key words: rural doctors training, teachers' training, effectiveness, survey and analysis