

  • 黄登笑 ,
  • 黄淇敏 ,
  • 李晓斌 ,
  • 1.上海浦东新区公利医院医务部, 上海 200135; 2.上海交通大学 医学院附属第三人民医院保障部, 上海 201999
黄登笑(1970—), 男, 助理研究员, 博士; 电子信箱: huangdx-1@163.com。

网络出版日期: 2014-06-30


上海市教委基金(09YS109);上海浦东新区公利医院基金 (2012GLQN15)

Study on financing mode and responsibility sharing mode of adverse drug reaction

  • HUANG Deng-xiao ,
  • HUANG Qi-min ,
  • LI Xiao-bin ,
  • et al
  • 1.Department of Medical Affairs, Gongli Hospital, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 200135, China; 2.Department of Medical Security, the Third People's Hospital,
    Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 201999, China

Online published: 2014-06-30

Supported by

Foundation of Shanghai Municipal Education Committee,09YS109; Foundation of Gongli Hospital, Pudong New Area,2012GLQN15


目的 探讨相关方在药品不良反应(ADR)中的损害责任分担、补偿资金筹资模式以及政府在筹资中的作用。方法 选择药品生产企业(n=260)、政府管理部门(n=115)、药品经营及使用单位(医疗机构)(n=125)作为调查对象,采用自行设计的问卷进行调查,调查内容主要包括ADR损害责任分担模式排序、补偿资金筹资方式以及政府在筹资中的作用。以频数、构成比反映各相关方对各选择项的认识分布,卡方检验分析相关方选择的分布趋势是否存在差异。结果 共收到有效性问卷467份,有效率93.4%。在损害责任分担方面,应主要由药品生产企业和政府管理部承担主要责任,次要责任承担者是药品经营机构和医疗机构,受害者不承担责任。在补偿资金筹资方面,三方均认为以税收形式征集,其次是现金征收,捐赠为第3种形式。关于政府在ADR筹资模式中的作用,96.2%的被调查单位认为政府应出资,但对政府出资形式存在不同观点;55.3%的单位认为政府应按比例出资。结论 在为ADR受害者建立补偿时,责任分配方面应由药品生产企业与政府管理部门承担主要责任,在资金征集方面应以税收形式为主,政府在筹资模式中应该出资。


黄登笑 , 黄淇敏 , 李晓斌 , . 药品不良反应中筹资模式与责任分担模式的研究[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2014 , 34(6) : 898 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2014.06.027


Objective To explore the responsibility sharing of relevant parts for the adverse drug reaction (ADR), modes of compensation financing, and the role of government in financing. Methods Two hundred and sixty pharmaceutical producing enterprises, 115 management authorities, and 125 drugs sales and users (medical institutions) were selected. The questionnaire was designed for the survey, which covered the ranking of responsibility sharing modes of ADR, methods of compensation financing, and the role of government in financing. The distributions of chosen items of each party were represented by the frequency and composition ratio. The chi square test was used to analyze the differences of distribution trends. Results There were 467 valid questionnaires and the valid rate was 93.4%. For the responsibility of damage sharing, pharmaceutical producing enterprises and management authorities should take the major responsibility, sales and medical institutions should take the minor responsibility, and victims took no responsibility. For the compensation financing, three parts all agreed that the most important methods were taxes, cash, and donations. For the role of government in financing, 96.2% of respondents believed that the government should invest, but their opinions towards the investment methods were different. And 55.3% of respondents believed that the government should invest proportionally. Conclusion When compensating the victims of ADR, pharmaceutical producing enterprises and management authorities should take the major responsibility, the major financing method is taxes, and the government should invest.
