

  • 陈音汁 ,
  • 唐晓君 ,
  • 许 红 ,
  • 重庆医科大学公共卫生与管理学院, 重庆 400016
陈音汁(1988—), 女, 硕士生; 电子信箱: yiozhi@foxmail.com。

网络出版日期: 2014-12-30



Survey of current status of growth and development and health care of children under 3 years old in minority areas of western Sichuang and analysis of influencing factors

  • CHEN Yin-zhi ,
  • TANG Xiao-jun ,
  • XU Hong ,
  • et al
  • School of Public Health and Management, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China

Online published: 2014-12-30

Supported by

Mother and Child Health Comprehensive Project of Ministry of Health of China and United Nations Children's Fund, 2011-2013


目的 了解四川省西部少数民族地区农村的3岁以下儿童生长发育现状及影响因素,为进一步制定高效的保健干预措施提供基础和依据。方法 采用按容量比例概率(PPS)抽样法对2个项目县60个自然村3岁以下儿童及看护人按户随机抽样,对抽取到的样本进行问卷调查及人体测量,运用多因素Logistic回归分析方法检验儿童生长发育影响因素。结果 共调查3岁以下儿童及看护人482名。3岁以下儿童产前检查率为65.7%,住院分娩率为33.6%,低体质量儿占5.8%,巨大儿占8.3%,总生长迟缓率为15.5%,总低体质量率为15.1%,总消瘦率为10.0%,总营养不良率为26.0%。看护人年龄、文化程度、经济收入、出生地点与早开奶与否是影响儿童生长发育指标的主要因素。结论 四川省西部少数民族地区的儿童保健知识水平较低,生长各指标低于全国平均水平和中国儿童发展纲要(2011~2020)目标,需制定合适有效的健康教育促进措施,提高孕产期保健知识和儿童科学喂养知识。


陈音汁 , 唐晓君 , 许 红 , . 四川省西部少数民族地区3岁以下儿童生长发育和保健现状调查及影响因素分析[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2014 , 34(12) : 1805 . DOI: 11.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2014.12.020


Objective To investigate current status and influencing factors of growth and development of children under 3 years old in minority areas of western Sichuang and to provide evidences for developing efficient healthcare measures. Methods Probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling method was adopted to randomly sample children under 3 years old and their guardians from 60 villages in two towns. Guardians were investigated by the questionnaire and the height and weight of children were examined. The logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine influencing factors of growth and development of children. Results A total of 482 children under 3 years old and their guardians were investigated. The rates of prenatal examination, institutional delivery, low-birth-weight infant, fetal macrosomia, stunting, low body mass, wasting, and malnutrition of these children were 65.7%, 33.6%, 5.8%, 8.3%, 15.5%, 15.1%, 10.0%, and 26.0%, respectively. The age, educational level, and income of guardians, delivery place, and early start of breast-feeding were major factors that influenced the indexes of growth and development. Conclusion The guardians of children in minority areas of western Sichuang lack enough knowledge of health care of children. Growth indexes of children are lower than the average indexes of the country and fail to meet requirements of the Outline of the Program for Chinese Children's Development (2011-2020). Therefore, appropriate and effective measures for promoting the health education are required to improve the knowledge of health care during the pregnant and perinatal period and scientific feeding of children.

