网络出版日期: 2014-12-30
Correlation analysis of health literacy, food safety knowledge, and food safety behaviors of catering service employees in Qibao area of Shanghai
Online published: 2014-12-30
Supported by
Key Discipline Construction Program of Public Health in Shanghai, 12GWZX0901
目的 了解七宝地区餐饮从业人员的健康素养水平以及食品安全知识知晓程度和食品安全行为状况,探索食品安全知识和行为与健康素养之间的相关关系,为制定针对餐饮从业人员的干预策略提供科学基础。方法 采用分层整群抽样法抽取上海市七宝地区餐饮业477名在岗从业人员进行健康素养状况的问卷调查,应用独立样本T检验、距离(相似度)分析及Spearman相关分析,揭示健康素养与食品安全知识、从业行为之间的相关关系。结果 七宝地区餐饮业在岗从业人员具备健康素养者22.9%,健康素养3个组成部分分别为健康知识和理念素养(25.4%)、健康生活方式与行为素养(30.8%)以及健康基本技能素养(70.6%)。5类健康问题素养具备情况分别为科学健康观素养(78.4%)、传染病预防素养(41.9%)、慢性病预防素养(30.2%)、安全与急救素养(65.6%)和基本医疗素养(22.2%)。食品安全知识平均得分为10.93±2.217。日常具有规范的从业行为者为67.3%~97.3%。总健康素养、3个方面健康素养以及5类健康问题素养具备比例与食品安全知识得分间有显著的正相关关系,而与日常食品安全从业行为的正确率间的相关关系不显著。结论 以改善从业行为、保障公众健康为目的,采取提高餐饮从业人员的健康素养水平和加强法规、制度宣传并重的综合性干预措施的策略,做进一步验证。
金 伟 , 余金明 , 顾沈兵 . 上海市七宝地区餐饮从业人员健康素养与食品安全知识和行为的相关分析[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2014 , 34(12) : 1811 . DOI: 11.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2014.12.021
Objective To investigate the health literacy level, awareness of food safety knowledge, and food safety behaviors of catering service employees in Qibao area, to explore the correlation between food safety knowledge and behaviors and health literacy, and to provide the scientific basis for formulating intervention strategies for catering service employees. Methods The questionnaire survey of health literacy was conducted among 477 catering service employees by stratified cluster sampling in Qibao area of Shanghai. Independent samples T Test, distance (similarity) analysis, and Spearman correlation analysis were adopted to reveal the correlation among the health literacy, food safety knowledge, and food safety behaviors. Results In Qibao area, the percentage of catering service employees with health literacy was 22.9%. Three parts of health literacy were the health knowledge and concepts (25.4%), health lifestyle and behaviors (30.8%), and basic health skills (70.6%), respectively. Five types of health problems were the scientific health concepts (78.4%), infectious diseases prevention (41.9%), chronic disease prevention (30.2%), safety and emergency treatment (65.6%), and basic medical treatment (22.2%), respectively. The average score of food safety knowledge was 10.93±2.217. The percentage of catering service employees who were in accordance with rules and regulations was 67.3%-97.3%. The overall health literacy, three aspects of health literacy, and five types of health problems were closely correlated with food safety knowledge and were not significantly correlated with daily food safety behaviors. Conclusion Comprehensive intervention strategies that focuses on improving the health literacy of catering service employees and propagandizing rules and regulations should be adopted to improve working behaviors, protect public health, and perform further verifications.
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