

  • 朱雪花 ,
  • 马文竹 ,
  • 林居红
  • 重庆医科大学附属口腔医院 重庆市口腔疾病与生物医学重点实验室, 重庆 401147
朱雪花(1989—), 女, 硕士生; 电子信箱: 814687324@qq.com。

网络出版日期: 2015-02-27



Effects of different permeating time of penetrating resin on permeating depth of early artificial enamel caries

  • ZHU Xue-hua ,
  • MA Wen-zhu ,
  • LIN Ju-hong
  • Stomatological Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases and Biomedical Science, Chongqing 401147, China

Online published: 2015-02-27

Supported by

Program of Innovation Team Building at Institutions of Higher Education in Chongqing in 2013


目的 研究渗透树脂在不同渗透时间下对早期人工釉质龋渗透深度(PD)的影响。方法 选取50颗正畸拔除的健康无龋的前磨牙,制备人工釉质龋模型,随机分成5组,每组10个标本,用渗透树脂分别渗透1、2、2.5、3、4 min,光固化60 s。切片打磨制成标本,用倒置荧光显微镜观察,测量龋损深度(LD)和PD, 计算渗透百分比。结果 渗透树脂在1 min时的PD明显小于3 min时的PD。渗透树脂在2.5 min时能够达到最大LD的90%,在3 min时能基本达到釉质LD,再增加渗透时间对PD不会产生明显影响,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 3 min的渗透时间基本能达到早期釉质龋的最大LD。


朱雪花 , 马文竹 , 林居红 . 渗透树脂在不同渗透时间下对早期人工釉质龋渗透深度的影响[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2015 , 35(2) : 189 . DOI: 11.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2015.02.008


Objective To explore the effects of different permeating time of penetrating resin on the penetration depth (PD) of early artificial enamel caries. Methods Fifty healthy premolars without caries that were extracted for orthodontic reason were selected and the model of artificial enamel caries was established. Samples were randomly divided into 5 groups (n=10) and penetrated by the penetrating resin for 1, 2, 2.5, 3, and 4 min, respectively, then cured by light for 60 s. Specimens were prepared after the teeth were sliced and polished and observed under the inverted fluorescence microscope. The lesion depth (LD) and PD were measured and the penetration percentage (PP) was calculated. Results PD of penetrating resin at 1 min was significantly less than that at 3 min. And 90% of maximum LD could be achieved at 2.5 min and the maximum LD could be achieved at 3 min. More permeating time would not significantly affect the PD. The differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusion The maximum LD of early enamel caries can be achieved at permeating time of 3 min.

