

  • 陈瑛 ,
  • 徐立钧 ,
  • 龚著琳 ,
  • 1.上海交通大学 基础医学院计算机教研室, 上海 200025; 2.上海杉达学院信息科学与技术学院, 上海 201209; 3.斯坦福大学医学院, Palo Alto, CA, 94305, 美国
陈瑛(1968—), 女, 副教授, 博士; 电子信箱: yingssmu@126.com。

网络出版日期: 2015-04-29



Application of image processing and analysis techniques in molecular imaging

  • CHEN Ying ,
  • XU Li-jun ,
  • GONG Zhu-lin ,
  • et al
  • 1.Department of Computer, Basic Medicine Faculty of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200025, China; 2.School of Information Science and Technology, Shanghai Sanda University, Shanghai 201209, China; 3.Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, 94305, USA

Online published: 2015-04-29

Supported by

Shanghai Municipal Education Commission Visiting Scholar Project, SHEDUHR [2011]56; Research Project of Shanghai Private Colleges, 2012-SHNGE-01ZD; National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China, “973” Program, 2010CB834302


分子影像技术是利用体外成像检测装置在细胞与分子层次上对活体动物、模型系统和人体的生物学过程进行定征和测量的新型交叉技术。图像处理与分析技术是对图像进行分析与处理的算法技术的总称,包括运用模式识别、人工智能和计算机图形学等领域的方法以提取医学图像的数字特征,实现分子影像的对象特征的定量描述,以数学建模的方式描述其内在规律,解释生命现象的过程或规律并预测其发展趋势。该文对2010—2013年发表在分子影像领域主要期刊及学术机构网站的2 602篇文献进行综合分析,对图像处理与分析技术在分子影像学研究中的应用现状及其发展前景进行综述。


陈瑛 , 徐立钧 , 龚著琳 , . 图像处理与分析技术在分子影像学研究中的应用[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2015 , 35(4) : 605 . DOI: 11.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2015.04.028


Molecular imaging is a new interdisciplinary technology, which characterizes and measures biological processes of live animals, animal model systems, and human bodies at cell and molecule levels by external imaging detection devices. Image processing and analysis technique is a general term for image processing and analysis algorithm techniques, which adopts methods of pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, and computer graphics field to extract features of digital medical images, quantitatively describe image features and molecular imaging, describe digital features of molecular imaging by mathematical models, reveal the processes and rules of life phenomena, and predict trends of development. This paper reviews 2 602 papers published between 2010 and 2013 by major journals and academic institutions of the molecular imaging field and summarizes the development and application of image processing and analysis techniques in the study of molecular imaging.
