

  • 汪庆玲 ,
  • 高静 ,
  • 唐红梅
  • 上海健康医学院, 上海 201318
汪庆玲(1979—), 女, 讲师, 硕士; 电子信箱: my_wql0719@163.com。

网络出版日期: 2016-05-26



A survey on academic background of and demands for nurses in Shanghai

  • WANG Qing-ling ,
  • GAO Jing ,
  • TANG Hong-mei
  • Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Shanghai 201318, China

Online published: 2016-05-26

Supported by

Project of Specialty Reform and Practice under the Guide of Vocation in Vocational Collages, MED, China, 2014RCXQ012


目的 了解上海市各级医疗机构护理人才学历现状及需求情况,为护理教育改革提供依据。方法 采用分层抽样的方法抽取上海市36家各级医疗机构为调查对象,采用问卷调查结合访谈的方式调查其护理人员学历现状和需求情况。结果 所调查单位的护理人员学历结构目前以大专为主,占59.09%。2012—2014年的护理人才需求以大专为主,本科逐渐上升,中专有所下降。在2015—2017年的护理人才招聘计划中,对本科学历护士的需求大大增加,对专科护士需求明显下降。结论上海市卫生行业机构对本科学历护士的需求有上升趋势,护理院校有必要及时调整办学结构、积极发展护理本科教育。

关键词: 护理人员; 学历; 需求


汪庆玲, 高静, 唐红梅. 上海市护理人员学历现状与需求调查[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2016, 36(4): 560. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2016.04.020


Objective To explore the academic background of and demands for nurses in various medical institutions in Shanghai and provide evidence for nursing education reform. Methods A total of 36 medical institutions in Shanghai were chosen by using the stratified sampling method and the academic background of and demands for nurses were investigated by questionnaire survey and interviews. Results Most surveyed nurses (59.09%) had a junior college degree. From 2012 to 2014, surveyed institutions mainly demanded nurses with a junior college degree. Their demand for nurses with an undergraduate degree gradually increased and the demand for nurses from technical secondary schools slightly decreased. In 2015-2017 nurse recruitment plans of surveyed institutions, the demand for nurses with an undergraduate degree will greatly increase, whereas the demand for nurses from technical secondary schools will significantly decrease. Conclusion For Shanghai medical institutions, there is a rising trend in the demand for nurses with an undergraduate degree. It is necessary to adjust the education structure of nursing schools and actively develop undergraduate nursing education.
