

  • 朱丽君 ,
  • 程莎妮 ,
  • 王浩 ,
  • 杜业业 ,
  • 潘玩荣 ,
  • 徐小靖 ,
  • 刘慧俊 ,
  • 周善晟 ,
  • 诸海英 ,
  • 牟姗 ,
  • 朱建征
  • 上海交通大学 医学院人事处,上海 200025

网络出版日期: 2017-07-05


上海交通大学医学院2016 年度人文社会科学创新研究培育项目(WK1602)

Accelerating the professional clinical research team building in the process of transforming towards research-oriented hospitals

  • ZHU Li-jun ,
  • CHENG Sha-ni ,
  • WANG Hao ,
  • DU Ye-ye ,
  • PAN Wan-rong ,
  • XU Xiao-jing ,
  • LIU Hui-jun ,
  • ZHOU Shan-sheng ,
  • ZHU Hai-ying ,
  • MOU Shan ,
  • ZHU Jian-zheng
  • Human Resource Department, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China

Online published: 2017-07-05

Supported by

Humanities and Social Innovation Research and Cultivation Project 2016, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, WK1602


在医院内部建立临床专职科研队伍有利于提高医院的科研水平、促进临床学科建设、提升医院整体影响力,也符合分级诊疗 体制下的大型医院发展目标。目前我国大型医院中,专职科研人员占比远低于国外水平。其主要原因在于:对研究型医院的建设认识 不到位,卫生人力配置总体不足,医院科研环境对高层次研究人员缺乏吸引力,相关学位培养制度不健全。未来我国发展研究型医 院,需从建立专职科研队伍入手,转变医院管理理念,拓宽人才培养渠道,准确把握学科发展动态,促进临床学科与基础学科和公共 卫生学科的交叉融合,并加大投资力度,多角度完善相关管理制度。


朱丽君 , 程莎妮 , 王浩 , 杜业业 , 潘玩荣 , 徐小靖 , 刘慧俊 , 周善晟 , 诸海英 , 牟姗 , 朱建征 . 研究型医院构建过程中临床专职科研队伍建设的思考[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2017 , 37(6) : 715 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2017.06.001


 Building a professional clinical research team inside hospitals is in favor improving their research abilities, accelerating the clinical discipline construction, improving their comprehensive influence. Also it fits the objective of general hospital development under gate-keeping system. Now in domestic, the percentage of professional research staff in large hospitals accounts was much less than the international level. The main reasons included the misunderstanding of constructing the research-oriented hospitals, insufficient human resources enrollment, less attractive environment to the highlevel researchers and the absence of relevant degree training programs. To enhance the construction of research-oriented hospitals, it’s of key importance to build the professional research team in hospitals. Besides, the hospital has to update management conception, broaden the channels of talent cultivation, grasp the development of the subject accurately and interact with the basic medicine and public health subject, increase the financial investment and perfect the relevant management regulations.

