目的 · 分析中 - 重度尼古丁依赖人群戒烟方法的选择及影响因素。方法 · 对 170 例中 - 重度尼古丁依赖戒烟者(Fagerström 评分≥ 4 分)的临床资料进行回顾性分析,比较不同戒烟方式(药物治疗和非药物治疗)选择人群的戒断率(治疗后第1、3 和 6 个 月时随访 7 d 时点戒断率和持续戒断率),并分析可能的影响因素。结果 · 不同年龄、受教育程度及就业情况的中 - 重度尼古丁依赖 人群的戒烟方式选择差异均有统计学意义(P=0.000)。 Logistics 回归分析结果显示:戒烟者的受教育程度是戒烟方式选择的主要影响 因素 (P=0.006)。在 7 d 时点戒断率的评价中,治疗后第 1 个月随访时,药物戒烟者的戒断率显著低于非药物戒烟者(P=0.000);治疗 后第 3、6 个月随访时,药物戒烟者的戒断率显著高于非药物戒烟者(P=0.000)。在持续戒断率的评价中,药物戒烟者治疗后第 3、6 个月随访时的戒断率均显著高于非药物戒烟者(P=0.002,P=0.000)。 结论 · 对于中 - 重度尼古丁依赖性戒烟者,应注重个体化戒烟 方案的制订和实施,戒烟方式选择取决于戒烟者年龄、受教育程度和就业状态等情况,而合理的药物治疗可以显著提高戒断率。
Objective · To analyze the choice of smoking cessation methods and its influencing factors in moderate-to-severe nicotine-dependent population. Methods · A retrospective clinical analysis was conducted for 170 moderate-to-severe nicotine-dependent smoking-quitters (Fagerström scale ≥ 4). Different smoking cessation methods (pharmacotherapy and non-pharmacotherapy) and abstinence rates of the selected population (7 d point prevalence abstinence rates and sustained abstinence rates 1, 3, and 6 months after treatment) were compared and possible influencing factors were analyzed. Results · The differences in choosing the smoking cessation method in moderate-to-severe nicotine-dependent population with different ages, levels of education, and employment status were statistically significant (P=0.000). The Logistics regression analysis showed that the level of education was the major factor for choosing the smoking cessation method (P=0.006). The 7 d prevalence abstinence rate was much lower for pharmacotherapy than for non-pharmacotherapy 1 month after treatment (P=0.000) and was much higher for pharmacotherapy than for non-pharmacotherapy 3 and 6 months after treatment (P=0.000). The sustained abstinence rate was much higher for pharmacotherapy than for non-pharmacotherapy 3 and 6 months after treatment (P=0.002, P=0.000). Conclusion · For moderate-to-severe nicotine-dependent smoking-quitters, attention should be paid to the formulation and implementation of personalized strategies. The choice of smoking cessation methods depends on the age, level of education, and employment status. Reasonable pharmacotherapies can significantly increase the abstinence rate.