

  • 秦黄雯 ,
  • 王岚 ,
  • 邹静 ,
  • 朱金水
  • 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院消化内科,上海 200233

网络出版日期: 2017-09-28



Effect of simo decoction combined with mannitol on intestinal preparation before magnetically guided capsule endoscopy examination#br#

  • QIN Huang-wen ,
  • WANG Lan ,
  • ZOU Jing ,
  • ZHU Jin-shui
  • Department of Gastroenterology, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200233, China

Online published: 2017-09-28

Supported by

Foundation of Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital, 1776; Medical Guide Project of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, 17411966500


目的 · 观察四磨汤联合甘露醇对磁控胶囊内镜检查前的肠道准备效果。方法 · 采用随机对照试验,选择拟行磁控胶囊内镜检 查的患者 120 例,按照随机数字表法将患者随机分为 2 组,每组 60 例。观察组在磁控胶囊内镜检查前 1 日口服四磨汤 20 mL,每日 3 次,再分次口服甘露醇 500 mL;对照组直接分次口服甘露醇 500 mL。观察患者服药后肠道清洁度以及不良反应发生情况。结果 · 观 察组肠道气泡量少于对照组(Z=-1.976,P=0.048),肠液量也少于对照组(Z=-2.489,P=0.013)。观察组出现恶心、呕吐症状的评分 低于对照组(Z=-2.215,P=0.027),发生腹胀、腹痛、肛门不适症状的评分同样低于对照组(Z=-2.158,P=0.031); 2 组总体不良反 应发生率分别为 8.33%、36.67%(χ2=13.811,P=0.000)。 结论 · 四磨汤联合甘露醇能提高肠道清洁度,减轻患者不良反应,改善肠道 准备效果。


秦黄雯 , 王岚 , 邹静 , 朱金水 . 四磨汤联合甘露醇对磁控胶囊内镜肠道准备效果的作用#br#[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2017 , 37(8) : 1116 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2017.08.013?


Objective · To investigate the effects of simo decoction combined with mannitol on the intestinal preparation of magnetically guided capsule endoscopy (MGCE).  Methods · A total of 120 patients were enrolled in this randomized controlled trial and randomly divided into two groups according to the random number table. The observation group (n=60) was pretreated with simo decoction 20 mL each time, 3 times a day combined with mannitol 500 mL for oral administration before MGCE examination, while control group (n=60) only was done with mannitol 500 mL for oral administration. Then the intestinal cleanliness and occurrence of adverse reaction were observed.  Results · The intestine bubbles in observation group were less than that of control group based on evaluation criteria (Z=-1.976, P=0.048), and the intestine juices in observation group were also less than control group (Z=-2.489,
 P=0.013)  suggesting that the intestinal cleanliness in observation group was superior to control group. Simultaneously, the score of nausea and vomiting in observation group was lower than control group according to the evaluation criteria (Z=-2.215, P=0.027), and abdominal pain, distension and anal stenosis in observation group were less than control group (Z=-2.158, P=0.031), meanwhile, the overall incidences of adverse reaction were 8.33% and 36.67%, respectively (χ2=13.811, P=0.000) , all of which implied that the occurrence of adverse reaction was lower in observation group compared to control group.  Conclusion · Simo decoction combined with mannitol could enhance intestinal cleanliness and reduce the occurrence of adverse reaction so as to improve the effect of intestinal preparation.
