

  • 聂欢欢 ,
  • 孙炜 ,
  • 鲍勇
  • 上海交通大学 公共卫生学院,上海 200025

网络出版日期: 2017-11-01



Analysis of the awareness of preventive treatment of disease and influencing factors in community residents in Shanghai#br#

  • NIE Huan-huan ,
  • SUN Wei ,
  • BAO Yong
  • School of Public Health of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200025, China

Online published: 2017-11-01

Supported by

 Subject from the Three Years Plan to Further Speed up the Development of Chinese Medicine in Shanghai, ZY3-FWMS-1-1001-KYZC-03


目的 · 了解居民治未病认知现状,分析认知影响因素,探讨提高认知水平、服务利用率的途径。方法 · 通过自制调查问卷对 上海社区居民进行问卷调查。调查对象来源于随机抽取的 26 家社区卫生服务中心(站),年龄大于 18 岁。基本情况采用一般描述性 分析;影响因素分析采用χ2 检验,计算OR 值并进行 Logistic 回归分析。结果 · 居民的治未病知晓率较低,为57.1%;主要通过广播 电视(48.4%),报纸、书籍、杂志(36.9%),社区宣传(35.5%)等途径知晓。认知影响因素主要有年龄、职业、受教育程度、收入 以及听说途径等。弱势群体的知晓率和认知水平更低。结论 · 当前上海地区治未病宣传效果有限,应更加科学地有针对性地宣传治未 病,加深认知和促进利用相关服务。


聂欢欢 , 孙炜 , 鲍勇 . 上海社区居民治未病认知现状与影响因素分析#br#[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2017 , 37(10) : 1428 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2017.10.024


Objective · To understand the awareness of preventive treatment of disease in community residents, analyze the influencing factors, and explore ways to improve the awareness and service utilization.  Methods · Community residents over 18 years of age who were from 26 community health service centers which were randomly selected in Shanghai were surveyed with a self-designed questionnaire. General descriptive analysis was used for basic information and chi-square test for influencing factors. OR values were calculated and Logistic regression analysis was performed.  Results · The awareness rate in community residents was low (57.1%). They got to know the preventive treatment of disease mainly through radio or television (48.4%), newspapers or magazines (36.9%), community propaganda (35.5%), and so on. The influencing factors were age, occupation, education, income, and ways to get to know the preventive treatment of disease. In short, the awareness rate and cognitive level in vulnerable groups were lower.  Conclusion · The effects of current propaganda of the preventive treatment of disease is limited. The propaganda should be more scientific and pertinent, so as to deepen the cognition of community residents and promote the service utilization.
