

  • 邱筱炜 ,
  • 金奇 ,
  • 张凝 ,
  • 林长坚 ,
  • 罗庆志 ,
  • 刘傲 ,
  • 邢超凡 ,
  • 叶佳雯 ,
  • 凌天佑 ,
  • 陈康 ,
  • 潘文麒 ,
  • 赵建荣 ,
  • 吴立群
  • 上海交通大学医学院  1. 附属瑞金医院心脏内科,上海 200025;2. 附属瑞金医院卢湾分院心脏内科,上海 200020

网络出版日期: 2018-01-10


 国家自然科学基金(81470450,81470451);上海交通大学医学院多中心临床研究计划(DLY201604);上海市教育委员会高峰高原学科建设计 划(20161404)

Technique and clinical outcome of catheter ablation guided by remote magnetic navigation for ventricular arrhythmias originating from outflow tract#br#

  • QIU Xiao-wei ,
  • JIN Qi ,
  • ZHANG Ning ,
  • LIN Chang-jian ,
  • LUO Qing-zhi ,
  • LIU Ao ,
  • XING Chao-fan ,
  • YE Jia-wen ,
  • LING Tian-you ,
  • CHEN Kang ,
  • PAN Wen-qi ,
  • ZHAO Jian-rong ,
  • WU Li-qun
  • 1. Department of Cardiology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China;2. Department of Cardiology, Ruijin Hospital Luwan Branch, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200020, China

Online published: 2018-01-10

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, 81470450, 81470451; Multicenter Clinical Research Project of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, DLY201604; Shanghai Municipal Education Commission—Gaofeng Clinical Medicine Grant Support, 20161404


目的 · 探讨磁导航指导下导管消融治疗流出道起源的特发性室性心律失常(VAs)包括室性心动过速(VT)/ 室性早搏(PVC) 的技巧与临床结果。方法 · 研究共纳入流出道起源的特发性VAs 患者42 例,磁导航结合Carto 三维电解剖标测系统指导下行导管消 融。流出道 VAs 分 2 组:左心室流出道(LVOT)组和右心室流出道(RVOT)组。LVOT 起源 VAs 采用主动脉逆行或房间隔穿刺法行 标测和消融。主要研究终点为急性手术成功率;次要研究终点为手术相关参数,包括术者 X 线暴露时间、消融时间、手术时间和手术 相关并发症。术后 3 个月、6 个月、1 年随访动态心电图,观察 VAs 复发情况。结果 · 42 例流出道 VAs 中,31 例(74%)源自 RVOT。 39 例(93%)流出道VAs 获得急性手术成功,RVOT 组与LVOT 组之间的急性手术成功率比较,差异无统计学意义(30/31 vs 9/11, P=0.160)。与 LVOT 组比较;RVOT 组的手术时间与术者 X 线暴露时间分别降低 31% (P=0.020)和 33%(P=0.004)。 2 组间均无心包填 塞、急性心肌梗死等严重并发症。11 例 LVOT 起源VAs 患者中,4 例经主动脉逆行消融失败后改用穿间隔法进行消融,均获得成功。 39 例急性手术成功患者 1 年随访期内,共 2 例患者复发。结论 · 磁导航结合 Carto 标测系统指导的流出道 VAs 消融术安全、有效,并 有相对较短的术者 X 线暴露时间;对于 LVOT 起源 VAs,磁导航指导的穿间隔法行标测和消融有助于提高手术成功率。


邱筱炜 , 金奇 , 张凝 , 林长坚 , 罗庆志 , 刘傲 , 邢超凡 , 叶佳雯 , 凌天佑 , 陈康 , 潘文麒 , 赵建荣 , 吴立群 . 磁导航指导下治疗流出道室性心律失常的消融技巧与临床结果分析[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2017 , 37(11) : 1490 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2017.11.007


Objective · To assess the clinical outcome of catheter ablation guided by remote magnetic navigation(RMN)  for ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) including ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular premature complex (PVC) originating from ouflow tract (OT).  Methods · A total of 42 patients with idiopathic VT/PVC originated from outflow tract were enrolled. All the patients underwent catheter ablation guided by RMN and 3D Carto mapping system. OT-VAs were divided into two groups:right ventricular outflow tract(RVOT) group and left ventricular outflow tract(LVOT) group. VAs arising from LVOT were mapped and ablated by transaortic retrograde and/or transseptal puncture approaches. The primary study endpoint was acute success rate. The secondary study endpoints were procedure-related parameters, including operator X ray time, ablation time, procedure time and complications. VAs recurrence was detected by Holter electrocardiograph (ECG) which was followed-up at 3 months, 6 months and 1 year after ablation.  Results · 74% (31/42) VAs arised from RVOT. 93% (39/42) OT-VAs were achieved acute success. The acute success rate was not different between VAs from RVOT and LVOT (30/31 vs 9/11, P=0.160). Compared to LVOT group, the ablation time and fluoroscopic time of RVOT group were significantly reduced s by 31% (P=0.020) and by 33% (P=0.004). There was no major complication in two groups. Within the 11 cases of LVOT-VAs, 4 LVOT-VAs cases which were ablated by tansaortic retrograde with failure were transferred to transseptal approach and ablated successfully.  At one-year follow-up, frequent PVCs recurred in 2 out of 39 patients with acute success.  Conclusion · Catheter ablation using RMN for OT-VAs is safe and effective with relatively short operator’s X-ray time. For LVOT-VAs, mapping and ablation guided by RMN through transseptal approach can improve the acute success rate.


