目的 · 分析上海市闵行区浦江社区短病程 2 型糖尿病患者血糖控制的现状及影响因素。方法 · 选取社区 1 994 例 2 型糖尿病 患者,完成问卷调查,检测空腹血糖(FPG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)和标准100 g 馒头餐后2 h 血糖(PPG)。 429 例病程在5 年 内的患者纳入分析。血糖达标定义为FPG<7.0 mmol/L 且 PPG<10.0 mmol/L,且HbA1c<7.0%。结果 · 血糖达标率为7.9%,FPG 达 标率为32.6%,PPG 达标率为12.6%,HbA1c 达标率为38.2%。接受中高等教育是血糖达标的保护因素(校正后,OR=0.60,95% CI 0.37 ~ 0.96)。长病程、胰岛素抵抗严重和血压未达标是血糖达标的危险因素(校正后数值分别为:OR=1.95,95% CI 1.30 ~ 2.91; OR=2.52,95% CI 1.57 ~ 4.03;OR=1.94,95% CI 1.22 ~ 3.09)。 结论 · 上海市浦江社区短病程 2 型糖尿病患者血糖达标率低,需要对 受教育程度低的患者加强餐后血糖控制宣教。
Objective · To access glycemic control status and investigate its impact factors of patients with short-term history of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Pujiang Town, Minhang District, Shanghai. Methods · The clinical information was collected by a standard questionnaire in 1 994 type 2 diabetic mellitus patients from the community. FPG, HbA1c, and PPG after meal of 100 g steamed bread made of standard flour were measured. 429 patients with 5-years duration of diabetes were qualified in the final analysis. Ideal blood glucose control was FPG<7.0 mmol/L, PPG<10.0 mmol/L and HbA1c<7.0%. Results · The proportion of patients with ideal blood glucose, FPG, PPG, and HbA1c control were 7.9%, 32.6%, 12.6% and 38.2%, respectively. Patients with middle school- and high school-education were at lower risks for poor glycemic control (age- and sex- adjusted OR=0.60,95% CI 0.37-0.96). Duration of diabetes, insulin resistance and blood pressure were negatively associated with glycemic control (age- and sex- adjusted, OR=1.95,95% CI 1.30-2.91;OR=2.52,95% CI 1.57-4.03;OR=1.94,95% CI 1.22-3.09, respectively). Conclusion · Patients in Pujiang community had substantially poor glycemic control. Less-educated diabetic patients should be emphasized on the importance of postprandial glycemic control.