网络出版日期: 2010-08-27
Investigations in mental health service financing in 19 districts of Shanghai
Online published: 2010-08-27
Supported by
Shanghai Education Committee Foundation, 2006SHWK01
目的 分析并比较2008年上海市各区县精神卫生服务的筹资状况,为完善上海市精神疾病防治的财政投入提出政策建议。方法 对2008年上海市19个区县的精神疾病发生情况、精神卫生服务的提供情况、各区县一般财政状况和精神卫生服务的筹资状况进行调研,分析精神卫生服务筹资领域存在的不足。结果 13个区(县)的政府财政投入不足精神卫生中心收入总额的30%,各区(县)间存在较大差距;区(县)精神卫生中心的收入主要来自医疗收入和药品收入。结论 上海市精神卫生服务的投入总量不足。各区(县)政府应加强对精神卫生服务的投入,建立精神卫生服务的专项预算资金,每年从政府财政支出中拨出固定的比例投入精神卫生服务,以保证精神卫生服务的有效开展。
陈 洋, 詹国芳, 张云婷, 等 . 上海市19个区县精神卫生服务筹资状况调查[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2010 , 30(8) : 932 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2010.08.015
Objective To analyse the current situations of mental health service financing in 19 districts of Shanghai, and propose advise for improvement of mental health service financing mechanism in Shanghai. Methods The prevalences of mental diseases, conditions of mental health service supply, general financial situations and financing situations of mental health service in 19 districts of Shanghai were investigated, and the problems existing in mental health service financing were analysed. Results Government investment was less than 30% of the total incomes in 13 district mental health centers, and conditions differed significantly among districts. The majority of incomes of mental health centers came from medical treatment and drugs. Conclusion Government investment in mental health service is insufficient now in Shanghai. District government should allocate a rational budget to ensure a favorable mental health service supply.
Key words: mental health service; financing; district; Shanghai
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