

  • 上海交通大学 医学院附属第九人民医院 1.口腔正畸科上海市口腔医学重点实验室, 2.整复外科 组织工程实验室, 上海 200011
许 悦(1985—), 女, 硕士生;电子信箱: perfectyue@hotmail.com。

网络出版日期: 2010-09-27



Establishment of rat model of cleft lip and palate combined with unilateral alveolar cleft and its stability

  • 1.Department of Orthodontics, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology, 2.Department of Plastic Surgery, Tissue Engineering Laboratory, The Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200011, China

Online published: 2010-09-27

Supported by

Shanghai Science and Technology Committee Foundation, 074119643


目的 建立唇腭裂合并的上颌骨缺损(牙槽突裂)大鼠模型,并研究其稳定性。方法 以7周龄SD大鼠作为实验对象,于右侧上颌制备4 mm×4 mm ×3 mm的牙槽突裂,模拟建立唇腭裂合并的上颌骨缺损大鼠模型。根据术后骨缺损区的处理方式将模型大鼠分为对照组(骨缺损区不予特殊处理)和实验组(骨缺损区予以骨蜡填塞),每组10只。两组大鼠分别于术毕即刻和术后4、8周时点分批处死后制备模型标本;利用显微CT(MicroCT)进行三维重建,观察和定量检测骨缺损区新骨形成情况,分析和比较两组模型的稳定性。结果 MicroCT三维图像重建显示,在术后8周时点,对照组有大量新骨充填于缺损区,缺损区明显缩小;而实验组仅断端边缘有少量新骨形成,缺损区无明显缩小。定量分析显示,对照组和实验组术后4周时点的新骨形成百分比分别为54.35%和16.53%,术后8周时点的新骨形成百分比分别为93.12%和29.30%,两组间比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 成功建立模拟唇腭裂合并的上颌骨缺损(牙槽突裂)大鼠模型,利用骨蜡填塞骨缺损区能显著提高模型的稳定性。

关键词: 牙槽突裂; 植骨; 显微CT


许 悦, 陈振琦, 吴 军, 等 . 唇腭裂合并的单侧牙槽突裂大鼠模型的建立和稳定性研究[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2010 , 30(9) : 1111 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2010.09.022


Objective To establish a rat model of cleft lip and palate combined with maxillary bone defect (unilateral alveolar cleft), and investigate its stability. Methods SD rats (7 weeks old) were selected, and 4 mm×4 mm ×3 mm alveolar cleft of upper mandible on the right was prepared to establish the rat model of cleft lip and palate combined with maxillary bone defect. Model rats were divided into control group (no treatment in bone defect area, n=10) and experiment group (bone wax packing for bone defect area, n=10). Model samples were prepared immediately after operation and 4 weeks and 8 weeks after operation in two groups, three dimensional reconstruction was conducted with microcomputed tomography (MicroCT), new bone formation in bone defect area was observed and quantitively detected, and the stability of model in two groups were analysed and compared. Results MicroCT three dimensional image reconstruction illustrated that large amount of new bone filled the bone defect area 8 weeks after operation in control group, and the bone defect area significantly decreased. However, only small amount of new bone formation was found in experiment group, and the bone defect area was not significantly decreased. Quantitive analysis revealed that the percents of new bone formation 4 weeks after operation in control group and experiment group were 54.35% and 16.53%, respectively, and those of 8 weeks after operation were 93.12% and 29.30%, respectively, with significant differences between two groups(P<0.05). Conclusion The rat model of cleft lip and palate combined with maxillary bone defect (unilateral alveolar cleft) was successfully established, and bone defect area filled by bone wax packing can significantly increase the stability of the model.

