网络出版日期: 2011-03-01
Study on development of evaluation indicator system of public health service system
Online published: 2011-03-01
Supported by
Foundation from National Development and Reform Commission of China, 2009HR01
目的 建立有效评估公共卫生服务体系改革效果的关键指标。方法 基于平衡计分卡方法中的政府展示维度、服务群众维度、内部运营维度以及革新与发展维度,初步建立公共卫生服务体系改革效果评估指标,并结合德尔菲专家咨询法,对指标进行筛选。结果 根据专家评分结果最终确定了13项指标,包括人均公共卫生经费、孕产妇5次以上产前检查率、住院分娩率、产后访视率、是否已建立了明确可测量的基本公共卫生服务包、新生儿疾病筛查率、重大传染病(AIDS/TB)早期发现率、控制率、高血压、糖尿病、精神疾患等慢性病发现率、控制率、居民健康档案建档率、65岁以上老人免费健康体检率、公共卫生服务设施改善率、公共卫生机构和基层卫生人员年职工培训率、是否制定和实施了公共卫生人才队伍建设规划、居民每年获得健康教育资料情况、疾病预防控制机构从事高风险岗位工作人员的待遇改善率。结论 建立了公共卫生服务体系改革效果评估指标体系。
丁 蕾, 李妍婷, 陆 琳, 等 . 公共卫生服务体系改革效果评估指标体系的研究[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2011 , 31(2) : 137 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2011.02.004
Objective To establish the effective evaluation indicator system of public health service system. Methods Based on government perspective, public perspective, internal business process perspective and innovation and development perspective of the Balanced Scorecard strategic management, pilot evaluation indicator system of public health service system was established, and Delphi expert consultation method was used to further screen the indicators. Results Based on the results of expert consultation, 13 indicators were determined, including the per capita public expenditures on health, rates of prenatal examination, hospital delivery and postnatal visit, the establishment of public health service package, rate of neonatal disease screening, rates of early detection and control of major infectious diseases (AIDS/TB), rates of diagnosis and control of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus and mental disorders, rate of family health filing, rate of free health examinations for people aged more than 65 years, coverage of public health service facilities, rate of training for staff in public health institutions and primary health institutions, the implementation of public health talents cultivation, exposure of residents to health education materials per year and increase of salary of staff in high-risk post in disease prevention and control institutions. Conclusion The evaluation indicator system of public health service system has been established.
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