›› 2010, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 42-.

• Monographic report (Nutrition research) • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Energy metabolism and related mechanism in patients with malignant tumors

HUANG Cui-hua, reviewer;CAI Wei, reviser   

  1. Clinical Nutrition Center, Xinhua Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200092, China
  • Online:2010-01-26 Published:2010-01-26


Energy metabolism refers to the metabolism of three major nutrients associated with the process of energy production and usage. The metabolism in patients with tumors manifests specifically, as a result of tumor-bearing state, host's response to tumor and anti-neoplastic therapy. It is believed that resting energy expenditure increases in patients with newly diagnosed tumors, which is related to C-reactive protein and release of inflammatory cytokines. After effective therapy, resting energy expenditure decreases in some degree. In addition, the stage and differentiation of tumors also affect metabolism. However, there are some conflicts among research findings. The characteristics of energy metabolism and influential factors in patients with tumors are reviewed in this paper.

Key words: malignant tumor, resting energy expenditure, inflammatory cytokine