上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2023, 43(1): 88-94 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.01.011

论著 · 公共卫生


魏珊,, 纪鸥洋, 陈志豪, 黄泽慧, 李璞, 方均燕, 刘英莉,

上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院肾脏内科,上海 200125

A prevalence study on knowledge, attitude, belief and practice of safe medication and analysis of related factors in dialysis patients

WEI Shan,, JI Ouyang, CHEN Zhihao, HUANG Zehui, LI Pu, FANG Junyan, LIU Yingli,

Department of Nephrology, Shanghai Ninth People′s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200125, China

通讯作者: 刘英莉,电子信箱:18616375719@163.com

编委: 瞿麟平

收稿日期: 2022-03-15   接受日期: 2022-12-20   网络出版日期: 2023-01-28

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金.  8217030178
上海市卫生健康委员会卫生行业临床研究专项.  202140430
上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院临床研究计划.  JYLJ2018011

Corresponding authors: LIU Yingli, E-mail:18616375719@163.com.

Received: 2022-03-15   Accepted: 2022-12-20   Online: 2023-01-28

作者简介 About authors

魏 珊(1994—),女,住院医师,硕士;电子信箱:18252431312@163.com。 E-mail:18252431312@163.com


目的·调查维持性透析患者药物治疗管理过程中安全用药知识、信念、行为(知信行;knowledge, attitude, belief and practice,KAP)现状并分析其相关因素。方法·该研究为横断面研究,选取2019年3月至2021年3月上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院肾脏内科的维持性透析患者,使用经过信度、效度验证的慢性肾脏病患者安全用药KAP量表评价其用药安全情况,同时调查其人口学特征、用药清单和临床特征,根据Strand分类系统评估药物相关问题(medication-related problem,MRP)的发生情况。采用单因素分析及多重线性回归分析探索透析患者安全用药KAP水平的相关因素。结果·共纳入187例维持性透析患者,其中103例维持性血液透析患者,84例持续非卧床腹膜透析患者,平均年龄(60.19±12.80)岁,平均透析龄为(44.31±36.90)个月,平均共病(6.37±2.17)种,平均用药(7.48±2.66)种。用药安全KAP量表总分为(77.68±18.53)分,其中安全用药知识平均(24.96±8.92)分,安全用药信念平均(17.19±3.18)分,安全用药行为平均(35.40±8.18)分。单因素分析结果显示:维持性透析患者的安全用药KAP得分在不同透析方式、文化程度、经济水平及是否并发肾性贫血上差异存在统计学意义(均P<0.05),且患者的共病数越多、使用的钙磷代谢药物越多、发生的MRP越多,其安全用药KAP量表得分越低(均P<0.05)。多元线性回归显示:持续非卧床腹膜透析(β=8.391,95%CI 3.436~13.347,P=0.001)、接受过高等教育(β=9.159,95%CI 0.978~17.339,P=0.028)、家庭人均月收入>6 000元(β=8.309,95%CI 1.891~14.727,P=0.011)及共病数更少(β=-1.582,95%CI -2.783~-0.382,P=0.010)、发生的MRP更少(β=-2.284,95%CI -3.987~-0.581,P=0.009)的透析患者安全用药KAP量表得分更高。结论·维持性透析患者的安全用药KAP水平较低,血液透析、低文化程度、低经济水平、高共病数及高MRP数是透析患者安全用药KAP低水平的危险因素。

关键词: 血液透析 ; 腹膜透析 ; 安全用药 ; 知识-信念-行为(知信行) ; 药物安全管理 ; 健康教育


Objective ·To survey the status quo of knowledge, attitude, belief and practice (KAP) of safe medication in the process of medication therapy management in dialysis patients, and analyze the related factors. Methods ·This study was a cross-sectional study with the maintenance dialysis patients selected from the Department of Nephrology, Shanghai Ninth People′s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine from March 2019 to March 2021. The KAP scale for safe medication in patients with chronic kidney disease verified by reliability and validity tests was used to evaluate the status quo of safe medication, and their medication list and clinical characteristics were also investigated. The occurrence of medication-related problems (MRPs) was evaluated according to the Strand classification system. The related factors of KAP level of safe medication in the dialysis patients were analyzed by univariate analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Results ·A total of 187 maintenance dialysis patients were included, including 103 patients with maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) and 84 patients with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). The mean age of them was (60.19±12.80) years, the mean dialysis duration was (44.31±36.90) months, and the mean numbers of comorbidities and medications were 6.37±2.17 and 7.48±2.66, respectively. In the dialysis patients, the mean score of KAP scale was (77.68±18.53) points. The mean scores of knowledge, attitude, and practice of safe medication were (24.96±8.92), (17.19±3.18), and (35.40±8.18) points, respectively. The univariate analysis results showed that there were significant differences of KAP scores for safe medication in the dialysis pattern, the educational level, the economic level and the occurrence of renal anemia in the maintenance dialysis patients (all P<0.05). In addition, the more comorbidities or medications for regulating calcium and phosphorus metabolism the patients had, or the more MRPs occurred, the lower KAP scores for safe medication the patients got (all P<0.05). Multiple linear regression results showed that the dialysis patients with CAPD (β=8.391, 95%CI 3.436‒13.347, P=0.001), with higher education (β=9.159, 95%CI 0.978‒17.339, P=0.028), with per capita monthly household income of over 6 000 yuan (β=8.309, 95%CI 1.891‒14.727, P=0.011), with less comorbidities (β=-1.582, 95%CI -2.783‒-0.382, P=0.010), and with less MRPs (β=-2.284, 95%CI -3.987‒-0.581, P=0.009) had higher KAP scores. Conclusion ·The KAP level of safe medication in the patients with maintenance dialysis is low. The hemodialysis, low educational level, low economic level, high number of comorbidities, and high number of MRPs are risk factors for low level of KAP of safe medication in dialysis patients.

Keywords: hemodialysis ; peritoneal dialysis ; safe medication ; knowledge, attitude, belief and practice (KAP) ; medication safety management ; health education

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魏珊, 纪鸥洋, 陈志豪, 黄泽慧, 李璞, 方均燕, 刘英莉. 维持性透析患者安全用药知信行现状调查及相关因素分析. 上海交通大学学报(医学版)[J], 2023, 43(1): 88-94 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.01.011

WEI Shan, JI Ouyang, CHEN Zhihao, HUANG Zehui, LI Pu, FANG Junyan, LIU Yingli. A prevalence study on knowledge, attitude, belief and practice of safe medication and analysis of related factors in dialysis patients. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)[J], 2023, 43(1): 88-94 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.01.011

终末期肾病(end stage renal disease,ESRD)最常用的肾脏替代治疗方式是血液透析(血透,hemodialysis)和腹膜透析(腹透,peritoneal dialysis)1。维持性透析患者常出现慢性肾脏病-矿物质和骨异常(chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder,CKD-MBD)、肾性贫血、营养不良等多系统并发症2。同时透析患者慢性病共病率较高,常合并高血压、糖尿病、心血管疾病等多种慢性病。因此,透析患者常需要多重用药(多重用药定义为每日定期使用5种或5种以上的药物)。既往研究3表明,透析患者每日平均使用8~12种不同的药物,约43%的老年ESRD患者每日服用药物≥10种。透析治疗及肾脏代谢与排泄功能受损可能导致患者药物代谢动力学改变4,且多重用药容易引发药物之间的相互作用5,因此透析患者发生药物相关问题(medication-related problem,MRP)的风险增加6。研究发现,在160例血透患者中存在1 018个MRP6;各种MRP每年共导致超过10万人死亡,大大增加了患者住院率和死亡率,以及医疗保健成本7


知识-信念-行为(知信行;knowledge,attitude,belief and practice,KAP)是指导健康教育与健康促进的行为干预理论10。对患者安全用药KAP多维度的评估,不仅可以全面了解患者用药现状,还可以为促进患者用药安全制定干预策略提供依据。既往研究11-12显示,经济水平、文化程度是用药KAP水平的常见影响因素。林彦君等11发现经济水平高、文化程度高和享有医保的老年人安全用药KAP水平更高;而用药过程中出现过MRP的老年患者安全用药态度和行为水平则更低。此外,年龄也是常见的用药KAP水平影响因素13。然而,目前尚未检索到透析患者安全用药KAP水平及其影响因素的研究。本课题组根据知信行理论编制了慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)患者安全用药KAP量表,该量表具有良好的信度和效度13。因此本研究通过横断面调查,分析透析患者安全用药的知识、信念和行为等,探索其与MRP的关系,并探索其影响因素,为高危人群的识别、透析患者个体化的药物管理与干预提供依据。

1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象

本研究为单中心横断面研究,选取2019年3月至2021年3月就诊于上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院肾脏内科规律透析的ESRD患者。纳入标准:① 年龄≥18周岁。② 接受维持性血液透析(maintenance hemodialysis,MHD)或持续非卧床腹膜透析(continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis,CAPD)治疗≥12个月,并在评估前临床稳定≥3个月。③ 能正确理解并配合完成调查表。④ 知情同意。排除标准:① 患有心理精神疾病者。② 在此次研究前1年内曾转变透析方式者。根据参与者与量表条目的比值至少为5∶1的原则14,本研究至少需要纳入160例参与者。

1.2 人口学及临床特征

人口学及临床特征采用自设问卷,问卷内容包括:① 社会人口学特征,包括年龄、性别、文化程度(受教育程度分为初等教育、中等教育、高等教育)、经济水平(家庭人均月收入按<3 000元、3 000~6 000元、>6 000元划分)、婚姻状态、居住状态、医疗保障。② 临床诊断及治疗情况,包括透析时间、原发性肾脏疾病、并发症及共病情况、用药情况(持续使用≥1个月的药物)。

1.3 MRP评估


1.4 安全用药KAP水平

使用本课题组自行编制并经过信度、效度检验的CKD患者安全用药KAP评分量表13评估。最终量表由3个维度24个条目组成,分别为CKD患者安全用药知识(9项)、安全用药信念(5项)、安全用药行为(10项)。每个条目采用Likert 5级计分,“完全不知道/强烈不赞同”“不知道/不赞同”“不确定/一般”“知道/赞同”“完全知道/强烈赞同”,或者“从不”“偶尔”“一般”“经常”“总是”分别为1、2、3、4、5分,无反向条目,总分为各条目之和,总分范围24~120分,分值越高表示患者安全用药KAP水平越好。量表各条目内容效度为0.880~1.000,总量表平均内容效度0.987。信度分析结果显示总量表Cronbach′s α系数为0.964,折半信度为0.911,重测信度为0.892。因此,该量表具有良好的信度和效度,可用于CKD患者日常用药KAP水平的测评及管理。


1.5 统计学分析

将符合研究标准的患者资料收集后,应用SPSS 25.0软件进行数据统计分析。所有正态定量资料采用x±s表示,定性资料采用频数和百分比表示。单因素分析中,定量资料间关系采用简单线性回归分析,2组均数间比较采用独立样本t检验,多组均数间比较采用单因素方差分析。将单因素分析中差异有统计学意义的变量作为自变量纳入维持性透析患者安全用药KAP水平的多元线性回归分析16。所有检验水准为α=0.05。

2 结果


2.1 人口学特征单因素分析


表1   维持性透析患者安全用药KAP得分的人口学特征分析Tab 1 Demographic characteristics analysis of KAP scores for safe medication in the maintenance dialysis patients

Indicatorn (%)





P value
18‒5983 (44.39)77.17±17.97
≥60104 (55.61)78.09±19.04
Male120 (64.17)76.88±18.27
Female67 (35.83)79.10±19.04
Marital status-0.9200.359
Unmarried/divorced/widowed26 (13.90)74.58±16.97
Married161 (86.10)78.18±18.77
Residence status0.7920.430
Living with partner138 (73.80)78.32±18.89
Living with kids or parents49 (26.20)75.88±17.54
Education level4.4460.013
Primary education29 (15.51)72.88±25.05
Secondary education118 (63.10)76.41±16.99
Higher education40 (21.39)84.90±15.67
Per capita monthly family income10.8990.000
<3 000 yuan42 (22.46)73.74±17.84
3 000‒6 000 yuan78 (41.71)72.90±17.80
>6 000 yuan67 (35.83)85.72±17.25
Social medical insurance174(93.05)76.90±18.29

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2.2 透析患者临床特征单因素分析


表2   维持性透析患者安全用药KAP得分的临床特征分析

Tab 2  Clinical characteristics analysis of KAP scores for safe medication in the maintenance dialysis patients

Indicatorn (%)





P value
Dialysis pattern-4.5120.000
MHD103 (55.08)72.26±14.61
CAPD84 (44.92)83.32±20.64
Dialysis age/month0.7480.475
<1231 (16.58)80.42±19.32
12‒2426 (13.90)79.88±21.74
>24130 (69.52)76.58±17.68
Renal anemia2.0210.045
No18 (9.63)86.00±20.97
Yes169 (90.37)76.79±18.09
Renal osteodystrophy1.4400.152
No24 (12.83)82.75±22.04
Yes163 (87.17)76.93±17.91
No23 (12.30)77.74±17.56
Yes164 (87.70)77.67±18.71
Coronary heart disease1.1780.240
No99 (52.94)79.18±19.38
Yes88 (47.06)75.99±17.48
Diabetes mellitus-0.7260.469
No134 (71.66)77.06±17.86
Yes53 (28.34)79.25±20.21

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2.3 透析患者共病及用药情况的单因素线性回归分析


表3   维持性透析患者安全用药KAP得分单因素线性回归分析

Tab 3  Univariable linear regression analysis of KAP scores for safe medication in the maintenance dialysis patients


Partial regression


Standardized regression coefficientt valueP value
Number of comorbidities6.37±2.17-2.378-2.278-3.9390.000
Number of medications7.48±2.660.2330.0330.4540.650
Number of oral tablets17.30±9.370.1020.0520.7030.483
Number of medications for regulating calcium and phosphorus metabolism1.94±1.23-2.227-0.148-2.0400.043
Number of anemic medications1.04±0.650.1170.0040.0550.956
Number of MRPs3.10±1.49-4.011-0.323-4.6360.000

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2.4 透析患者用药KAP得分多元线性回归分析


表4   多元线性回归自变量赋值表

Tab 4  Assignment of independent variables of multiple linear regression analysis

Dialysis patternMHD=0; CAPD=1
Education levelPrimary education=0,0,0; secondary education=0,1,0; higher education=0,0,1
Economic levelPer capita monthly family income <3 000 yuan=0,0,0; 3 000‒6 000 yuan=0,1,0;>6 000 yuan=0,0,1
Number of comorbiditiesActual value
Renal anemiaNo=0; Yes=1
Number of medications for regulating calcium and phosphorus metabolismActual value
Number of MRPsActual value

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透析患者用药KAP得分多元线性回归模型中自变量间不存在共线性问题(方差膨胀因子=1.145~2.120,容忍度=0.525~0.874),德宾-沃森值=1.847,无异常值。F=8.171(P<0.001),调整后R2=0.472。回归分析结果显示:透析方式、经济水平、文化程度、共病数及MRP数与透析患者安全用药KAP总分的相关性有统计学意义(均P<0.05,表5)。其中,CAPD(β=8.391,95%CI 3.436~13.347,P=0.001)、接受过高等教育(β=9.159,95%CI 0.978~17.339,P=0.028)、家庭人均月收入>6 000元(β=8.309,95%CI 1.891~14.727,P=0.011)及共病数更少(β=-1.582,95%CI -2.783~-0.382,P=0.010)、发生的MRP更少(β=-2.284,95%CI -3.987~-0.581,P=0.009)的透析患者安全用药KAP量表得分更高。

表5   维持性透析患者安全用药KAP评分多因素线性回归分析

Tab 5  Multivariable linear regression analysis of the KAP score of safe medication in maintenance dialysis patients

VariablePartial regression coefficient (β95%CIStandardized regression coefficient (β′)t valueP value
Lower limitUpper limit
Dialysis pattern
Education level
Secondary education3.086‒3.5019.6730.0810.9240.356
Higher education9.1590.97817.3390.2032.2090.028
Economic level
3 000‒6 000 yuan-1.392-7.5034.719-0.037-0.4500.654
>6 000 yuan8.3091.89114.7270.2162.5550.011
Number of comorbidities-1.582-2.783-0.382-0.185-2.6010.010
Renal anemia-0.571-8.9937.851-0.009-0.1340.894
Number of medications for regulating calcium and phosphorus metabolism0.434-1.6972.5660.0290.4020.688
Number of MRPs-2.284-3.987-0.581-0.184-2.6470.009

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3 讨论


本院透析中心患者共病现象较为普遍,透析患者平均患病(6.37±2.17)种,高于上海其他慢性病共病的老年患者[(3.03±0.83)种]17。共病与并发症会增加治疗方案复杂性及患者的药物负担(pill burden)。本院透析患者平均每日服药(7.48±2.66)种,高于上海其他慢性病共病老年患者的(5.58±1.13)种17。既往研究18提示治疗方案复杂性和药物负担是安全用药障碍之一,较高的药物负担可能导致用药行为不规范,治疗效果差,进而导致药物剂量增加或频繁调整治疗方案,增加发生MRP的风险。此外,共病导致的机体病理生理变化会造成体内药代动力学和药效动力学方面的变化,进而导致MRP的发生6。本研究中,绝大多数透析患者至少有1种MRP,平均每人(3.10±1.49)种,这与MANLEY等19对透析患者MRP研究的结果相似[(3.6±1.8)种]。较高的MRP数是透析患者安全用药KAP水平低的危险因素。既往研究11显示,MRP的发生也与老年患者安全用药KAP水平相关。因此,在共病数多及MRP发生较多的透析患者中,安全用药KAP水平较低。本院透析患者安全用药知识、信念、行为的得分率分别为55.5%、68.8%、70.8%,安全用药知识和行为的得分率低于文献11报道的60岁以上老年人的安全用药KAP得分率(分别为68.7%、68.4%、76.4%)。该结果提示透析患者存在安全用药问题,临床上需加强其安全用药的健康教育,及时发现并指导患者改善不合理、不规范的用药行为,以提高透析患者自我用药管理水平。









The study design and the manuscript writing were conducted by LIU Yingli and WEI Shan. The clinical investigation and data management were conducted by WEI Shan, JI Ouyang, and CHEN Zhihao. The data review, quality control, and data analysis were conducted by WEI Shan, HUANG Zehui, LI Pu, and FANG Junyan. The study supervision and review were conducted by LIU Yingli. All the authors have read the last version of paper and consented for submission.



All authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.


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