上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2023, 43(6): 673-679 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.06.003



李鹏云,1, 戴银芳1, 陆燕红1, 于兴梅1, 徐丽娜1, 第五建峰2, 郝创利,1

1.苏州大学附属儿童医院呼吸科,苏州 215002

2.陕西省旬邑县人民医院儿科,旬邑 711300

Clinical study of exhaled nitric oxide in children with asthma and allergic rhinitis

LI Pengyun,1, DAI Yinfang1, LU Yanhong1, YU Xingmei1, XU Lina1, DI Wujianfeng2, HAO Chuangli,1

1.Department of Respiratory, Children's Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou 215002, China

2.Department of Pediatrics, Xunyi County Hospital, Shaanxi Province, Xunyi 711300, China

通讯作者: 郝创利,电子信箱:hcl_md@163.com

编委: 张慧俊

收稿日期: 2023-02-28   接受日期: 2023-06-01   网络出版日期: 2023-06-28

基金资助: 苏州市科技发展计划医疗器械与新医药(临床试验)-医工结合协同创新研究项目.  SLJ201905
伊犁哈萨克自治州科技计划项目.  yl2020lh03
伊犁州直医疗卫生类科技计划项目.  YZ2021YD029
苏州市“临床医学专家团队”引进项目.  SZYJTD201806

Corresponding authors: HAO Chuangli, E-mail:hcl_md@163.com.

Received: 2023-02-28   Accepted: 2023-06-01   Online: 2023-06-28

作者简介 About authors

李鹏云(1998—),女,住院医师,硕士生;电子信箱:1214215251@qq.com。 E-mail:1214215251@qq.com


目的·分析哮喘(asthma,AS)合并变应性鼻炎(allergic rhinitis,AR)儿童在AS不同临床分期下不同AR严重程度时的鼻呼出气一氧化氮(fractional concentration of nasally exhaled nitric oxide,FnNO)、口呼出气一氧化氮(fractional concentration of exhaled nitric oxide,FeNO)水平,为指导临床诊治提供依据。方法·纳入2021年4月至11月期间于苏州大学附属儿童医院呼吸科确诊为AS合并AR的儿童,选取同期至儿保科正常体检的健康儿童作为对照组。所有入组儿童均行FeNO、FnNO、外周血嗜酸细胞(eosinophil,EOS)检测,以评估患儿的病情严重程度。对比分析AS合并AR的儿童在AS不同临床分期下不同AR严重程度时的FeNO、FnNO水平及其与肺功能的相关性。结果·哮喘急性发作期儿童中鼻炎持续中重度的比例更高,哮喘临床缓解期儿童中的鼻炎间歇轻度比例更高。哮喘急性发作期的FeNO值高于慢性持续期、临床缓解期(调整后P=0.022、P=0.000),慢性持续期高于临床缓解期(调整后P=0.002);哮喘急性发作期FnNO值高于临床缓解期(调整后P=0.044)。哮喘慢性持续期中,鼻炎持续轻度组及持续中重度组的FnNO水平高于间歇轻度组(调整后P=0.001、P=0.000)。在临床缓解期中,鼻炎持续轻度组及持续中重度组的FnNO水平高于间歇轻度组(调整后P=0.001、P=0.007)。在鼻炎间歇轻度组中,急性发作期的FnNO高于慢性持续期及临床缓解期(调整后P=0.010、P=0.019)。哮喘急性发作期的部分肺功能指标与FeNO、FnNO水平具有一定负相关性(均P<0.05),而慢性持续期的FEV1/pred 与FeNO水平具有一定负相关性(P=0.010)。结论·AS急性发作期儿童的FeNO、FnNO水平更高,且AR症状积分更高;AS合并AR儿童的FeNO、FnNO水平与肺功能指标呈负相关。

关键词: 哮喘 ; 变应性鼻炎 ; 呼出气一氧化氮 ; 儿童


Objective ·To determine the levels of nasally exhaled nitric oxide (FnNO) combined with fractional concentration of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) in children with asthma (AS) complicated with allergic rhinitis (AR), and analyze the levels of FnNO and FeNO in different clinical stages of AS with different severities of AR, so as to provide basis for guiding clinical diagnosis and treatment. Methods ·Children diagnosed with AR with AS in the Department of Respiratory and Otolaryngology of Children's Hospital of Soochow University from April 2021 to November 2021 were included, and healthy children who visited the Department of Pediatrics for normal physical examination during the same period were enrolled as the control group. FeNO and FnNO were measured in all children to assess the severity of the children's diseases. The levels of FeNO and FnNO in children with AR and AS at different clinical stages of AS and their correlation with pulmonary function were compared and analyzed. Results ·The proportion of persistent moderate-to-severe rhinitis was higher in the acute exacerbation stage of AS, and the proportion of intermittent mild rhinitis was higher in the clinical remission stage of AS. The FeNO level in the acute exacerbation stage were higher than that in the chronic persistent stage and clinical remission stage of AS (adjusted P=0.022, 0.000), and higher in the chronic persistent stage than that in the clinical remission stage of AS (adjusted P=0.002). The FnNO level in the acute exacerbation stage was higher than that in the clinical remission stage of AS (adjusted P=0.044). In the chronic persistent stage of AS, the FnNO levels in the persistent mild group and persistent moderate-to-severe control group were higher than those in the intermittent mild group (adjusted P=0.001, 0.000). In the clinical remission stage of AS, the FnNO levels in the persistent mild group and persistent moderate to severe control group were higher than those in the intermittent mild group (adjusted P=0.001, 0.007). In the intermittent mild group of AR, the FnNO levels in the acute exacerbation stage were higher than those in the chronic persistent stage and clinical remission stage of AS (adjusted P=0.010, 0.019). Part of pulmonary functions in the acute exacerbation stage of AS children were negatively correlated with the FeNO and FnNO levels (all P<0.05), while FEV1/pred in the chronic persistent stage was negatively correlated with FeNO level (P=0.010). Conclusion ·FeNO and FnNO levels increased in the acute exacerbation stage of AS, and symptom scores of AR also increased. FeNO and FnNO levels were negatively correlated with pulmonary function in AS with AR children.

Keywords: asthma (AS) ; allergic rhinitis (AR) ; exhaled nitric oxide ; children

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李鹏云, 戴银芳, 陆燕红, 于兴梅, 徐丽娜, 第五建峰, 郝创利. 哮喘合并鼻炎儿童的呼出气一氧化氮的临床研究. 上海交通大学学报(医学版)[J], 2023, 43(6): 673-679 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.06.003

LI Pengyun, DAI Yinfang, LU Yanhong, YU Xingmei, XU Lina, DI Wujianfeng, HAO Chuangli. Clinical study of exhaled nitric oxide in children with asthma and allergic rhinitis. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)[J], 2023, 43(6): 673-679 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.06.003

哮喘(asthma,AS)和变应性鼻炎(allergic rhinitis,AR)均系辅助型T细胞2(T helper2 cell,Th2)介导的气道炎症。上、下气道目前被认为是一个整体,需同时评估。多达19%~38%的AR患者伴有AS,30%~80%的AS患者患有AR1-2。有学者3提出,AS症状恶化可能与AR症状控制不佳有关,AR可增加2~7倍AS发生的可能,上气道的持续炎症可增加下气道的高反应性,进而导致AS症状的加重。过敏原对鼻黏膜的刺激会导致鼻塞、黏膜水肿、鼻甲肥大,从而降低鼻腔的呼吸和过滤功能,导致支气管炎症和下呼吸道阻塞。研究3表明,主动治疗AR可减轻AS症状、支气管高反应性,并减少AS药物治疗的需要。目前国内相关研究甚少,本研究拟分析不同AS临床分期下不同AR严重程度时的鼻呼出气一氧化氮(fractional concentration of nasally exhaled nitric oxide,FnNO)、口呼出气一氧化氮(fractional concentration of exhaled nitric oxide,FeNO)水平及其与肺功能的相关性,以期为指导临床诊治提供依据。

1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象


1.2 研究方法

1.2.1 肺功能检测


1.2.2 FeNO、FnNO测定

采用瑞典Aerocrine公司的FeNO分析仪,参考美国胸科学会6指南进行测定。受试者检测前2周内禁止服用糖皮质激素类药物,检测前1 h内禁食、禁止剧烈运动或情绪过激等。采取坐位为测试体位。FeNO有在线法和离线法2种测定方式,2种方式均要求呼气压力达到5 cmH2O(1 cmH2O=0.098 kPa),关闭软腭,避免上气道影响。呼气流速为50 mL/s,保持±10%的流速范围。在线法要求一口气呼气完成,时间不少于6 s(>12岁,成人模式)或至少4 s(≤12岁,儿童模式)。离线法为多口气测定,对呼气的时间不作要求,可多次呼气直至采样完成7。3岁及以上儿童如果不能配合在线法测定,可采用离线法。FnNO测定根据2019年欧洲鼻科建议书8推荐,研究显示在0.7 L/min(1.7 mL/s)流速下鼻抽气10 s的鼻eNO测定重复性更好,因此国内鼻eNO测定多采用10 mL/s流速的抽气法,即FnNO10,简称FnNO。且为避免下气道影响,受试者在鼻抽气采样过程中需吹响口哨以保持口呼气压力>10 cmH2O,从而达到关闭软腭的效果,期间口哨要保持吹响不换气。鼻抽气时应抽前清理鼻腔,确保仪器抽气畅通,避免鼻内分泌物、鼻翼等堵塞抽气孔。

1.3 病情严重程度评估

1.3.1 AS临床分期

①急性发作期(acute exacerbation stage)是指喘息、气急、胸闷或咳嗽等症状突然发生,或原有症状加重,伴有呼气流量降低。②慢性持续期(chronic persistent stage)是指近3个月内不同频度和/或不同程度地出现过喘息、咳嗽、气促、胸闷等症状。③临床缓解期(clinical remission stage)是指经过治疗或未经治疗症状、体征消失,肺功能恢复到急性发作前水平,并维持3个月以上。

1.3.2 AR病情评估

①分类。根据症状持续时间分为间歇性和持续性。间歇性:症状表现<4 d/周或持续不到4周。持续性:症状表现≥4 d/周且持续4周或以上5。②病情分度。依据症状的严重程度和对生活质量的影响分为轻度和中/重度。轻度:症状较轻,对学习、文体活动和睡眠无明显影响。中/重度:症状明显,对学习、文体活动和睡眠造成影响5

1.4 统计学分析

采用SPSS 23.0软件进行数据分析。符合正态分布的定量资料以x±s表示,采用t检验及方差分析进行组间比较;非正态分布的定量资料以MQ1Q3)表示,采用非参数检验进行组间比较;定性资料以频数(百分率)表示,采用χ2检验进行组间比较。变量间相关性分析采用Spearman相关性分析。P<0.05表示差异具有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 基础资料对比


表1   基础资料对比

Tab 1  Comparison of basic information


Acute exacerbation

stage (n=33)

Chronic persistent

stage (n=32)

Clinical remission

stage (n=34)

H/χ2P value
Age/year7.48±2.438.31±3.486.50 (5.00, 9.00)1.3290.514
Gender (male/female)/n(%)24 (72.7)/9 (27.3)24 (75.0)/8 (25.0)21 (61.8)/13 (38.2)1.5820.453
Height/cm129.00 (115.00, 139.50)134.16±20.34125.00 (117.75, 134.88)1.3690.504
Weight/kg26.00 (20.50, 32.00)28.00 (19.25, 43.00)24.50 (21.00, 30.50)0.4750.789
Different severity of rhinitis/n(%)9.6440.047
Intermittent mild10 (30.3)14 (43.8)21 (61.8)
Persistent mild11 (33.3)13 (40.6)8 (23.5)
Persistent moderate-to-severe12 (36.4)5 (15.6)5 (14.7)

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2.2 哮喘不同分期儿童的EOSFeNOFnNO水平比较


表2   哮喘不同分期儿童的EOSFeNOFnNO水平比较

Tab 2  Comparison of EOS, FeNO and FnNO among children in different stages of asthma


Acute exacerbation

stage (n=33)

Chronic persistent

stage (n=32)

Clinical remission

stage (n=34)

H/FP value
EOS proportion/%3.97±2.805.42±2.693.55 (2.13, 5.88)5.4370.066
EOS count/(×109·L-1)3.40 (1.95, 5.45)0.42±0.200.29 (0.19, 0.48)1.9160.384
FeNO/ppb45.00 (31.50, 56.00)①②27.00 (13.25, 45.75)12.50 (9.00, 17.25)38.8610.000

Note: FeNO/FnNO is expressed in ppb (parts per billion; 1 ppb=1×10-9), which is equivalent to nanoliters per liter. Adjusted P=0.022, compared with the chronic persistent stage; adjusted P=0.000, adjusted P=0.002, adjusted P=0.044, compared with the clinical remission stage.

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2.3 哮喘不同分期下不同鼻炎严重程度的FnNO水平比较


表3   哮喘不同分期下不同鼻炎严重程度的FnNO水平比较

Tab 3  Comparisons of FnNO in different severities of rhinitis among different stages of asthma

ItemDifferent severities of rhinitisF valueP value
Intermittent mild (n=45)Persistent mild (n=32)Persistent moderate-to-severe (n=22)
Different stages of asthma
Acute exacerbation stage (n=33)596.70±211.16614.27±243.68765.75±255.021.7250.195
Chronic persistent stage (n=32)373.86±190.12678.77±171.15857.00±222.2315.7090.000
Clinical remission stage (n=34)405.05±140.56693.38±287.44700.20±46.1910.7300.000
F value5.5100.3470.643
P value0.0080.7100.537

Note: FnNO is expressed in ppb (parts per billion; 1 ppb=1×10-9), which is equivalent to nanoliters per liter. Adjusted P=0.010, compared with the acute exacerbation stage; adjusted P=0.001, adjusted P=0.000, compared with the intermittent mild group; adjusted P=0.019, compared with the acute exacerbation stage;adjusted P=0.001, adjusted P=0.007, compared with the intermittent mild group.

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2.4 哮喘不同分期儿童的肺功能指标与FeNO/FnNO的相关性分析

表4所示,哮喘急性发作期的第1秒用力呼气容积占预计值百分比(forced expiratory volume in 1 s of the predicted,FEV1/pred)、用力肺活量占预计值百分比(forced vital capacity of the predicted,FVC/pred)、呼气峰流速占预计值百分比(peak expiratory flow of the predicted,PEF/pred)、用力呼气中期流速占预计值百分比(average expiratory flow rate at 25% to 75% of lung capacity of the predicted,MMEF75/25/pred)与FeNO水平具有一定负相关性(r值分别为-0.393、-0.477、-0.367和-0.358,P值分别为0.024、0.005、0.036和0.041),慢性持续期的FEV1/pred与FeNO水平具有一定负相关性(r=-0.451,P=0.010)。

表4   哮喘不同分期儿童的肺功能指标与FeNO的相关性分析

Tab 4  Correlation analysis between lung function indicators and FeNO in children with different stages of asthma

ItemAcute exacerbation stageChronic persistent stageClinical remission stage
r valueP valuer valueP valuer valueP value

Note: MEF75—maximal expiratory flow without exhaling 75% FVC; MEF50—maximal expiratory flow without exhaling 50% FVC; MEF25—maximal expiratory flow without exhaling 25% FVC.

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表5   哮喘不同分期儿童的肺功能指标与FnNO的相关性分析

Tab 5  Correlation analysis between lung function indicators and FnNO in children with different stages of asthma

ItemAcute exacerbation stageChronic persistent stageClinical remission stage
r valueP valuer valueP valuer valueP value

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3 讨论

近年来,多位学者9-11均提出:AS和AR具有共同的免疫机制,均系Ⅱ型气道炎症;鼻炎控制不佳可加重哮喘症状,加大急性发作的风险,且产生的各种炎症因子促进诱导型一氧化氮合酶(inducible nitric oxide synthase,iNOS)表达增加,产生大量的NO。哮喘的诊疗不单单要治疗下气道,也应同时关注上气道炎症。



COMPALATI等1的研究表明单纯AR患者的FEV1等肺功能指标也可下降,高达80%患者可有气道高反应性,且中重度及持续性AR患者的气管受累更严重,更可能出现小气道功能障碍。还有多项研究23-25均表明,哮喘患者联合使用鼻喷激素、抗组胺药等鼻炎用药可降低因哮喘病情加重至急诊就诊和住院的概率,特别是鼻喷激素的使用,可显著预防哮喘的恶化,而未将鼻炎治疗纳入哮喘的长期管理内容则不利于哮喘的临床控制。在本研究中的哮喘急性发作期患儿中,鼻炎临床症状持续中重度比例更高,FeNO、FnNO水平均较临床缓解期高,且FeNO、FnNO水平与部分肺功能指标呈负相关关系。考虑可能原因如下:①鼻-支气管反射,即鼻腔接触过敏原等刺激可导致支气管收缩、气道高反应性等。这种现象在动物试验中已经被证实,但它是否存在于人类呼吸道中仍存在争议26。②上气道在呼吸时可起到过滤、加热、加湿等作用,上气道炎症发作或加重时,各项上气道功能均减弱。例如鼻塞会导致经口呼吸,直接吸入过敏原或者冷空气等可导致下呼吸稳态破坏,诱发下气道炎症产生或加重。③AR和AS具有共同的免疫机制,机体的致敏状态不单存在于某一方面,AR导致的全身炎症介质的释放可同样作用于下气道,引起哮喘症状的产生及加重27。④即使当过敏程度较低时,仍有可能引发微弱的炎症反应,这种炎症反应可导致作为人类鼻病毒的主要受体细胞间黏附分子-1(intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1,ICAM-1)持续表达,而上气道鼻病毒感染常与儿童哮喘的发作有关28-29





The study was designed by LI Pengyun, DAI Yinfang and YU Xingmei. The data collection and analysis were conducted by LI Pengyun and XU Lina. The manuscript was drafted and revised by LI Pengyun, LU Yanhong, DI Wujianfeng and HAO Chuangli. All the authors have read the last version of paper and consented for submission.




All authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.


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