上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2024, 44(12): 1552-1560 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2024.12.008

论著 · 临床研究


杨利灵,1, 詹莎2, 薛晓燕2, 陈凯2, 刘青2, 王丽2, 王怡怡2, 吴萌2, 陆群峰,1

1.上海交通大学医学院附属第六人民医院护理部,上海 200233

2.上海交通大学医学院附属儿童医院血液肿瘤科,上海 200020

Development of indicators and analysis of barriers for assessment and prevention of cutaneous graft-versus-host disease after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children

YANG Liling,1, ZHAN Sha2, XUE Xiaoyan2, CHEN Kai2, LIU Qing2, WANG Li2, WANG Yiyi2, WU Meng2, LU Qunfeng,1

1.Department of Nursing, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200233, China

2.Department of Haematology and Oncology, Shanghai Children's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200020, China

通讯作者: 陆群峰,电子信箱:luluroom2004@163.com

编委: 吴洋

收稿日期: 2024-05-20   接受日期: 2024-07-02   网络出版日期: 2024-12-28

基金资助: 上海交通大学医学院护理学科青年人才项目.  SJTUHLXK2023

Corresponding authors: LU Qunfeng, E-mail:luluroom2004@163.com.

Received: 2024-05-20   Accepted: 2024-07-02   Online: 2024-12-28

作者简介 About authors

杨利灵(1996—),女,护师,硕士;电子信箱:youngll955@163.com。 E-mail:youngll955@163.com


目的·全面了解儿童造血干细胞移植后皮肤移植物抗宿主病(graft-versus-host disease,GVHD)评估与预防的临床现状,构建审查指标,并结合临床实际情况分析研究开展过程中的障碍因素与促进因素,制定变革策略。方法·以JBI循证卫生保健模式为理论指导框架,明确临床问题,构建循证实践团队,系统检索文献,评价和汇总证据,并结合证据构建审查指标及明确审查方法。采用渥太华研究应用模式,对证据的变革、潜在采纳者和实践环境3个维度进行障碍因素与促进因素分析,并制定相应的策略。结果·共纳入24条最佳证据,包含皮肤评估、皮肤防护、皮肤不良反应的处理、用药指导和随访与筛查5个维度。在此基础上构建22条审查指标。14条审查指标的执行率<60%,其中的10条审查指标的执行率为0;8条审查指标的执行率>60%,其中的6条审查指标执行率为100.00%。主要障碍因素为缺乏相关的培训、未形成合理的管理机制;主要促进因素有证据来源可靠、潜在相关者配合程度高。结合审查指标的执行率和障碍因素分析的结果,制定变革措施。结论·儿童造血干细胞移植后皮肤GVHD评估与预防的证据与临床实践存在较大差距;应基于障碍因素与促进因素,有效实施临床变革。

关键词: 造血干细胞移植 ; 移植物抗宿主病 ; 审查指标制定 ; 障碍因素 ; 循证护理


Objective ·To gain a comprehensive understanding of the current clinical status of assessment and prevention of cutaneous graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children, construct review indicators, analyze obstacles and facilitators in the process of conducting the study in light of clinical reality, and formulate strategies for change. Methods ·Utilizing the JBI Evidence-Based Health Care Model as a theoretical guiding framework, the clinical problem was clarified. An evidence-based practice team was established, and a systematic literature search was conducted. The evidence was then evaluated and summarized. Additionally, review indicators were constructed, and review methods were clarified in relation to the evidence. Using the Ottawa Model of Research Use, the three dimensions of evidence change, potential adopters, and practice environment were analyzed for barriers and facilitators, and corresponding strategies were developed. Results ·A total of 24 pieces of best evidence were included in the study, comprising five dimensions: skin assessment, assessment of protection, management of adverse skin reactions, medication guidance and follow-up and screening. Twenty-two review indicators were constructed on this basis, of which 14 had an implementation rate of <60% and 10 had an implementation rate of 0%; 8 had an implementation rate of >60% and 6 had an implementation rate of 100.00%. The main obstacles were the lack of relevant training and the absence of a rational management mechanism. The main facilitating factors were reliable sources of evidence and a high level of cooperation from potential stakeholders. Considering the results of the analysis of the implementation rate of the indicators under review and the obstacles, alternative measures were formulated. Conclusion ·There is a large gap between the evidence and clinical practice for the assessment and prevention of cutaneous GVHD after paediatric haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Clinical change should be effectively implemented based on barriers and facilitators.

Keywords: haematopoietic stem cell transplantation ; graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) ; review of indicator development ; barrier factor ; evidence-based nursing

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杨利灵, 詹莎, 薛晓燕, 陈凯, 刘青, 王丽, 王怡怡, 吴萌, 陆群峰. 儿童造血干细胞移植后皮肤移植物抗宿主病评估与预防的审查指标制定与障碍因素分析. 上海交通大学学报(医学版)[J], 2024, 44(12): 1552-1560 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2024.12.008

YANG Liling, ZHAN Sha, XUE Xiaoyan, CHEN Kai, LIU Qing, WANG Li, WANG Yiyi, WU Meng, LU Qunfeng. Development of indicators and analysis of barriers for assessment and prevention of cutaneous graft-versus-host disease after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)[J], 2024, 44(12): 1552-1560 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2024.12.008

异基因造血干细胞移植(allogeneic hemato-poietic stem cell transplantation,allo-HSCT)已成为治疗恶性血液肿瘤疾病,非恶性血液肿瘤疾病如自身免疫性疾病和先天代谢性疾病等潜在的治愈性治疗方法1。移植物抗宿主病(graft-versus-host disease,GVHD)是allo-HSCT后最常见的并发症,也是制约移植疗效的重要因素。GVHD包括急性和慢性2种类型,受诸多因素的影响,包括人类白细胞抗原相合程度,供者和受者的性别、年龄,预处理等2。据统计,6%~33%的患儿会发生GVHD3,皮肤是GVHD最常见的受累器官,对全身其他器官的排异有重要的预警作用4。随着移植技术的广泛开展,皮肤GVHD不断增多且临床表现多样化,严重影响患儿的生活质量5。而且,儿童的预期寿命较长,早期识别和预防该病对造血干细胞移植后的康复十分重要。目前,国内外对于儿童GVHD的管理多聚焦于探讨诊疗效果以及进行个案研究6-8,临床中缺乏整体的、具体的实践规范。因此,本研究以JBI循证卫生保健模式为理论指导框架9,在系统检索国内外高级别证据的基础上,基于临床情境制定对应的审查指标,并分析障碍因素和促进因素,为证据的转化和儿童造血干细胞移植后皮肤GVHD评估与预防的管理提供有效的参考。

1 资料与方法

1.1 确定临床护理问题

基于临床实际中存在的问题,明确儿童造血干细胞移植后皮肤GVHD的评估与预防的循证实践方案,规范化造血干细胞移植后的皮肤管理。采用复旦大学循证护理中心的循证问题确立工具PIPOST,形成循证实践问题。证据应用的目标人群(population,P)为从事儿童造血干细胞移植的专业医护人员;干预措施(intervention,I)为GVHD皮肤症状评估、预防与管理等;应用证据的专业人员(professional,P)为临床医护人员及其患儿的照顾者;证据应用的结局(outcome,O)为皮肤损伤发生率、医护人员对皮肤损伤管理的知晓率、患儿及其照顾者对治疗的依从性;证据应用的场所(setting,S)为医院、社区及家庭;证据类型(type of evidence,T)为最佳实践、证据总结、指南、专家共识、系统评价。

1.2 组建循证实践团队



1.3 证据检索

按照“6S”证据模型,以及自上而下的检索原则,依次检索BMJ最佳临床实践、UpToDate临床决策系统、JBI循证卫生保健中心数据库、英国国家卫生与临床优化研究所(National Institute for Health and Care Excellence,NICE)、苏格兰院际指南网(Scottish Inter-Academic Guide Network,SIGN)、国际指南协作网(Guideline International Network,GIN)、加拿大医学会临床实践指南网站(Canadian Medical Association:Clinical Practice Guideline,CMA Infobase)、加拿大安大略省注册护士协会(Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario,RANO)、世界肿瘤学会网站、美国国家癌症综合网站(National Comprehensive Cancer Network,NCCN)、中国抗癌协会护理专业委员会、国际癌症协会(Union for International Cancer Control,UICC)、Cochrane Library、CINAHL、Embase、Web of Science、PubMed、中国知网、万方数据库和维普数据库等相关网站。中文检索词为“儿童”“移植物抗宿主病”“皮肤”“预防”“评估”“造血干细胞移植”。英文检索词为“child/childhood/children/pediatric*/adolescent*/adolescence”“stem cell transplantation/HSCT/hematopoietic stem cell transplantation/hematopoietic stem cell /bone marrow”“skin/cutaneous/lichen/scleroderma/sclerodermoid/vitiligo/erythroderma/erythema/lichen planus like/lichen planus like/maculopapular/keratosis pilaris/fasciitis/ichthyosis/poikiloderma/rash/dermatology”“graft-versus-host disease/graft-vs-host or graft versus host disease/GVHD /Graft vs Host Disease”“guideline*/guidance*/meta-analysis/systematic review/evidence summar*/best practice/expert consensus/recommendations/systematic review”。检索时限为2000年1月1日至2022年4月28日。

1.4 证据总结及FAME评价



①评估人员:由具有造血干细胞移植工作经验的医务人员对患儿进行皮肤评估14(Level 5)。②评估时机:移植期间每天评估患儿的皮肤情况;在接受造血干细胞移植后的7 d内,每天严格评估患儿皮肤GVHD的等级15(Level 1)。③评估部位:对患儿皮肤进行全面的检查,包括头皮、面部、眼睛和眼睑、耳朵、口腔、手、脚、躯干和四肢、指甲等16(Level 5)。④评估工具:皮肤急性GVHD采用改良Glucksberg标准进行评估16-17,皮肤慢性GVHD采用慢性移植物抗宿主病分级评分系统18(Level 4)。⑤评估内容:评估皮肤是否出现瘙痒、斑丘疹等,同时也要触诊皮肤柔韧度,评估皮肤与下层组织的粘连和关节活动度14-15(Level 4)。⑥评估形式:使用日记的形式记录患儿皮肤的变化,采用体表面积法(body surface area,BSA)记录皮肤受损的面积15-1619-20(Level 4)。⑦特殊人群:对于使用光敏性药物(阿奇霉素、氟喹诺酮类药物、氢氯噻嗪、三甲氧嘧啶/磺胺甲唑、伏立康唑等)患儿,进行密切的皮肤监测11-1221(Level 4)。


①照顾者剪短患儿指甲,防止搔抓,局部发生瘙痒时使用冷绒布轻轻按压并分散患儿注意力11(Level 5)。②保持皮肤清洁,使用温水擦浴,使用毛巾擦干或拍干皮肤,不应揉搓,使皮肤残留一些水分,并涂抹保湿剂111722(Level 5)。③正确选择保湿剂,如尿素(3%~10%)、甘油、面霜等1123(Level 5)。④将保湿剂储存于阴凉的地方11-122124(Level 5)。⑤每4~6 h涂抹保湿剂,以润滑干燥的皮肤,保持皮肤的完整性,防止皮肤瘙痒和感染11-122124(Level 3)。⑥由于尿素可能具有刺激性,对于急性炎症性皮肤病患儿,合理选择尿素的浓度,也可以用甘油(5%~15%)或泛醇(5%)代替1123(Level 5)。⑦避免直接暴露于阳光之下,尤其在10:00—16:00之间1124-26(Level 5)。⑧推荐使用防晒用品,采取物理防晒措施如穿防晒衣;采取化学防晒措施如在光线暴露的皮肤部位涂抹高防晒系数(>40)的防晒霜1124-27(Level 1)。


①对于非完整性皮肤,在适当时,建议进行浅层或深层组织培养,以监测糜烂、溃疡,或可疑皮肤病变中的细菌、病毒、真菌感染11-1223;必要时,推荐使用莫匹罗星软膏或含银产品以防止受损但未溃疡的皮肤破裂11-12(Level 5)。②对于愈合缓慢的伤口,推荐使用透明质酸产品、胶原蛋白产品、成纤维细胞和角质形成细胞产品11-12(Level 5)。


①局部使用他克莫司软膏,应告知患儿及其照顾者可能会有灼烧感,通常3 d内会消失;该药物还有潜在的光毒性,应采取正确的防晒措施11-122426(Level 2)。②长期使用类固醇,应注意观察是否发生皮肤萎缩,尤其是面部和身体褶皱处,并观察有无发生皮肤感染1125(Level 5)。③润肤剂具有闭塞性,可在应用类固醇后使用,增加类固醇的效力1125-26(Level 1)。


①每月进行1次皮肤自检11。②建议在移植前进行基线筛查并在移植后进行定期随访,皮肤检查应在移植后的6个月、1年,以及之后每年进行1次;对于有皮肤恶性肿瘤病史的患者,检查间隔至少应缩短到6个月11212427-29(Level 3)。③建议接受造血干细胞移植后的女童定期行妇科门诊随访,检查是否有阴道粘连和瘢痕11202527(Level 4)。④建议接受造血干细胞移植后的男童定期行泌尿外科门诊随访,检查是否有包皮和阴茎头的纤维化和瘢痕11202527(Level 4)。

1.5 制定审查指标及进行基线审查



1.6 障碍因素与促进因素分析

根据基线审查的结果,采用渥太华研究应用模式(Ottawa Model of Research Use,OMRU),对证据的变革、潜在采纳者和实践环境3个维度进行障碍因素与促进因素的分析。对潜在相关者进行访谈。对基线审查指标的依从率逐条探讨,对证据应用过程中的障碍因素和促进因素进行全面的分析并制定针对性对策。

1.7 统计学分析

使用SPSS 26.0软件进行数据录入,进行描述性统计分析。

2 结果

2.1 最佳证据


2.2 构建审查指标与审查方法


表1   儿童造血干细胞移植后皮肤GVHD评估与预防的审查指标及审查方法

Tab 1  Indicators and review methods for assessment and prevention of cutaneous GVHD after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children

DimensionIndicatorPopulationReview methodReview adherence rate/%
Skin evaluation1. The nurse thoroughly examines the child's entire body for skin conditions prior to transplantation



Participatory observation100.00
2. The nurse thoroughly assesses the skin condition of the child's entire body on a daily basis during the transplantation period



Access to care record sheets0
3. The nurse assesses the grade of the child's skin GVHD using the Glucksberg criteria within 7 d of transplantation



Access to care record sheets0
4. The nurse is able to correctly select and use a skin GVHD assessment tool



Questionnaire method52.63
5. The nurse uses a diary to record changes in the child's skin condition



Access to care record sheets0
6. The nurse is able to use the body surface area method to indicate the area of the child's skin that has been damaged



Access to care record sheets; questionnaire method21.05
7. The nurse marks the assessment sheet for the child indicating the use of photosensitive medication



Access to care record sheets0
Skin protection8. The caregiver trims cuts the child's nails short during the transplantation period



Participatory observation; interview method81.80
9. Caregivers use lukewarm water for cleansing the child's skin, followed by towel drying or patting dry, and then apply moisturizer



Interview method100.00
10. Caregivers apply moisturiser to the child every 4‒6 h and after the application of steroid creams



Participatory observation; interview method4.54
11. Caregivers store moisturisers in a cool place



Participatory observation100.00
12. Caregivers should avoid exposing children to direct sunlight, particularly between 10:00 and 16:00



Interview method100.00
13. The care givers is able to correctly protect the child from the sun



Interview method100.00
Management of adverse skin reactions14. The nurse is able to correctly advise the physician to perform a skin culture for non-integrated skin



Questionnaire method0
15. The nurse is able to correctly manage non-integral skin breaks



Questionnaire method100.00
16. The nurse is able to select appropriate skin care products for the care of the child's slow-healing wounds



Questionnaire method10.50
Guidance on the use of medication17. The nurse should inform the caregivers and the child of the side effects of tacrolimus ointment



Participatory observation; interview method0
18. The nurse should assess the skin condition of a child who has been using steroid creams for a long period of time



Participatory observation; interview method89.47
Follow-up and screening19. On discharge, nurses should instruct caregivers and children to carry out their own comprehensive skin checks once a month



Participatory observation; interview method0
20. At discharge, the nurse should instruct the caregivers and the child on the correct frequency of skin follow-up visits



Questionnaire method; participatory observation0
21. At the time of discharge, nurses should instruct female children to have regular gynaecological outpatient follow-up visits



Questionnaire method; interview method0
22. At discharge, nurses should instruct male children to have regular follow-up visits to the urology clinic



Questionnaire method; interview method0

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2.3 基线审查结果


2.4 障碍因素与促进因素分析结果


2.4.1 指标1~7









2.4.2 指标8~13









2.4.3 指标14~15









2.4.4 指标21~22









3 讨论

3.1 基于最佳证据结合专业判断制定儿童造血干细胞移植后皮肤GVHD评估与预防的最佳证据


3.2 现有的临床实践与证据之间的差距

审查执行率反映了最佳证据与临床实践中的差距。其中,有14条证据执行率<80%,其中9条指标执行率为0,说明儿童造血干细胞移植后皮肤GVHD评估与预防的最佳证据与临床实践存在较大的差距。一项研究15指出,在造血干细胞移植期间需每天评估患儿全身的皮肤情况,包括移植前和移植后;此外,在移植的7 d内还需使用专业的评估工具评估皮肤的情况。然而,在实际的临床情境中,护理人员能一定程度上选择正确的评估工具,但是没有做到严格地每日进行皮肤评估并记录。移植期间皮肤防护是预防皮肤不良反应发生的重要保护措施,应4~6 h使用1次保湿剂,但在移植期间大部分照顾者均无法做到。大部分照顾者仅在给患儿擦身后、出现皮肤干燥或皮肤破损的情况下才使用保湿剂。美国移植和细胞治疗学会建议接受造血干细胞移植的患者进行定期的皮肤自检32。相关研究显示:不到2/3的患者坚持定期的皮肤筛查33;并且,仅61.2%造血干细胞移植患儿在移植后的1年内接受来自专业人员的全面的皮肤检查,11.8%的患儿在1年内会自行进行7次皮肤检查34。皮肤慢性GVHD多在移植后约100 d出现,患者能自行观察到皮肤相关不良反应。因此,需加强照顾者及患者的皮肤自检相关培训,并鼓励其定期随访35。因此,儿童造血干细胞移植后皮肤GVHD评估及预防最佳证据与实际临床情境差距较大,亟需开展循证实践。

3.3 基于审查结果精准分析障碍因素及拟定对策





YANG Liling and ZHAN Sha were involved in research design and development of the evidence summary. LU Qunfeng and XUE Xiaoyan were responsible for the evidence application and project promotion. YANG Liling, ZHAN Sha, LIU Qing, WANG Li, WANG Yiyi, and WU Meng were involved in data collection, the development of review indicators, and the analysis of barriers. CHEN Kai and LIU Qing provided guidance on technical route. WANG Yiyi was responsible for the statistical analysis. YANG Liling and LU Qunfeng were responsible for the writing of the paper and revision of the paper. All authors have read the final manuscript and agreed to the submission.




All authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.


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