上海交通大学学报(医学版) ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (10): 1337-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2017.10.005

• 论著(基础研究) • 上一篇    下一篇


曹忆梦 1,吴氢凯 1,吴若愚 1,贾翔 2,徐晨 1,冯洁 1   

  1. 1. 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院妇产科,上海 200233;2. 山东省临沂市妇女儿童医院妇产科,临沂 276000
  • 出版日期:2017-10-28 发布日期:2017-11-01
  • 通讯作者: 吴氢凯,电子信箱:angelh2@163.com
  • 作者简介:曹忆梦(1992—),女,硕士生;电子信箱:1046782898@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Preparation and micro/nano structure analysis of human vaginal wall acellular matrix

CAO Yi-meng1, WU Qing-kai1, WU Ruo-yu1, JIA Xiang2, XU Chen1, FENG Jie1   

  1. 1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200233, China; 2. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Women and Children’s Health Care Hospital of Linyi, Shandong, Linyi 276000, China
  • Online:2017-10-28 Published:2017-11-01
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China, 81550008

摘要:  目的 · 探讨人阴道壁脱细胞基质的纳米 / 微米级结构特点,为生物材料制备仿生人工阴道提供参考数据。方法 · 对 35 例阴道 壁脱垂的绝经后患者盆底重建手术中修剪下的阴道壁组织进行脱细胞处理,制备阴道壁脱细胞基质,并对脱细胞基质进行苏木精 伊红(H-E)染色、Masson 染色、电镜扫描和 Micro-CT 扫描,采集并分析阴道壁脱细胞基质的大体形态及定量数据。结果 · 35 例阴 道壁标本脱细胞完全,基本无细胞残留。阴道壁脱细胞基质由互相交错的胶原纤维构成,为纳米级胶原纤维构成的双层纤维网状结 构。胶原纤维呈束状排列,纤维束之间分布孔隙。阴道壁脱细胞基质上皮侧结构致密,为致密层;上皮下组织结构疏松,为疏松层。 致密层和疏松层的纤维丝直径无显著差异 [ (82.4±9.3) nm vs (87.5±10.2) nm,P=0.432],纤维束宽度无显著差异 [ (67.6±9.3) μm vs (65.3±5.2) μm,P=0.634],疏松层的纤维束分离度较致密层大[ (180.1±24.5) μm vs (118.2±23.0) μm,P=0.003],疏松层的孔隙率 较致密层高 [(77.1±4.2)% vs (66.6±2.8)%,P=0.002]。阴道前壁和阴道后壁的脱细胞基质的微纳结构参数没有显著差异。结论 · 人阴 道壁脱细胞基质致密层和疏松层的纤维丝直径、纤维束宽度无显著差异,但致密层纤维束的孔隙率较疏松层小。

关键词: 阴道壁, 脱细胞基质, 扫描电镜, Micro-CT, 微纳结构


 Objective · To investigate the micro/ nano structure of human vaginal wall acellular matrix, and provide parameters for bionic vagina.  Methods · A total of 35 vaginal specimens were obtained from 35 postmenopausal patients who underwent cystocele repair and/or rectocele repair. Cells in specimens were entirely removed, and the extracellular matrix was maintained. Then the acellular matrix was observed by general observation, H-E staining, Masson staining, scanning electron microscope and Micro-CT. The external and internal structure properties were measured and analyzed.  Results · All cells in 35 vaginal specimens were totally removed. The vaginal wall acellular matrix was a double-layer fibrous reticular structure composed of interlaced collagen fibers, which were further arranged into bundles. Pores were distributed among fiber bundles. Epithelial side structure of vaginal wall acellular matrix was dense and subepithelial tissue was loose. There was no significant difference in fiber diameter [(82.4±9.3) nm vs (87.5±10.2) nm, P=0.432] and fiber bundle thickness [(67.6±9.3) μm vs (65.3±5.2) μm, P=0.634] between the dense and loose layers. Fiber bundle separation [(180.1±24.5) μm vs (118.2±23.0) μm, P=0.003] and total porosity [(77.1±4.2)% vs (66.6±2.8)%, P=0.002] were higher in loose layer. There was no significant difference in the micro/nano structure parameters of the acellular matrix between the anterior vaginal wall and the posterior vaginal wall.  Conclusion · There was no significant difference in the fiber diameter and the fiber bundle thickness between the dense layer and the loose layer of vaginal wall acellular matrix, but the porosity of the dense layer fiber bundle was smaller than that of the loose layer.

Key words: vaginal wall, acellular matrix, scanning electron microscope, Micro-CT, micro/nano structures